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Posts posted by russel_sfl

  1. I switched my phone over to LTE/CDMA instead of CDMA only a couple weeks ago. So far the 4g is super spotty as far as speedtest.net app goes, and my evdo bars are all over the place, will go from no bars to 3 bars sitting in same spot! Im in Sunrise FL and I was at the intersection of Oakland Pk and Nob hill, had full evdo bars, and got a 25 dl and almost 8 ul, almost like home wifi.

  2. That is what the customer service rep said her "supervisor" told her, or did they just want me off the phone?

    So I am a new sprint user with the Samsung Nexus and 90% of the time I have 2 or 3 bars and slow 3g connection. I am in South FL, the 33322 to be exact. I came from TMO, what a mistake to come to Sprint, but the discount I get...Im a Comcast employee. I DL'd an app that supposedly shows me my tower location. So one day i parked under my nearest tower and still only have 2-3 bars and slow 3g. Anyways, I am a tech, and I know looking at websites and reading blogs doesn't get a user all the true info. SO, is there a sprint tech out there in the sunrise fl/ft lauderdale area that can tell me whats going on in this area?? i have a nice phone paying top dollar getting crappy service!

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