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Posts posted by Elizacat

  1. Also on my to do list is to go over to Gilcrease Hills (a stone's throw away) and map things there. I'd go up north of Apache to see if anything's going on up there, but lol, that's the ghetto, I've had some scary encounters on foot up there (I don't have a car).


    If I don't pick up a tower from West Tulsa/Downtown, I think I will probably only get an extremely weak signal, if at all, from the tower on Apache.

  2. I get LTE in my home most of the time from that site at 71st and Union (pretty far away). I get around 0.02mbps down. It's actually significantly slower than 3G. :blink:


    I've had this experience a few times actually, especially on the sites along 71st. Sucks.


    Occasionally getting high latency, 5500 msec+ (even though good signal) from the site at Apache and Lewis/Harvard.

  3. If you want to know where the coverage is look at sensorly. It is a site that has user generated coverage maps. If you install the sensorly app on your phone you can contribute to the coverage maps.

    EDIT: FAIL, you mapped the new site


    If you install a touchwiz ROM you can use the LTE debugging screen to track sites also by serving cell.


    Also, if you become a sponsor at S4GRU you can see which sites have been accepted by Sprint for LTE (usually means broadcasting but not always). There area maps in the sponsor section listing where every Sprint site is located too so you know where to look.


    Welcome to the site!


    I went out there, my hunch seems to be correct, indeed, Apache and between Harvard and Lewis is where the new site is.


    I'm physically wiped so I'll do more mapping tomorrow morning and evening.


    I do know about TW ROM's and the engineering screen, that's how I got that one. :P


    Next time I come into some money I'll donate if I can :P.


    how's your experience with lte in your home?


    Crap lol, it works but I'm quite far from the site so not too well (over on Reservoir Hill).


    yeah the sites around the 71st st. corridor aren't lit up at all, which is unfortunate because there is quite a bit of demand there for data what with all the eateries and the shopping and whatnot. EV-DO is fairly useless there. 71st & Mingo on the Union campus and then 71st & just west of memorial by the fire station are the two there that need to come on. Along of course with the site just across the street from me at 81st & Mingo :D


    the good news though is at the two mingo sites - significant work has been done.


    Also, welcome. I'm sure you've noticed Tulsa is very well represented here.


    More than I thought there'd be from Tulsa, lol :P. Nobody from the North side it seems though but me :(. Everyone's out in South and East Tulsa ;_;.

  4. Congrats on the 4G find! One of the first in Oklahoma to have Sprint Lte in your home. Do you have any idea how far you are from the cell site?


    Yeah, I think I'm about 1 3/4 miles if my guess is correct as to where this bugger is located.


    When it stops being a trillion degrees farenheit outside, I'll walk towards suspected sites and see what I can find.

    • Like 1
  5. I also got LTE in South Tulsa, around Tulsa Hills, along 71st (weak signal, and mostly between Lewis and Peoria), at 81st near ORU at the Wal-Mart; cuts out just before you get into Brookside going along Peoria.


    None at Woodland Hills mall, I talked to the Sprint rep there to see if he knew anything I didn't, basically content-free and told me what I had already discovered.


    I'm gonna take a trek around Tulsa (kind of hard when you're a poor student taking the TERRIBLE public transportation system) and see what else I come up with.

    • Like 1
  6. LTE in North Tulsa came live a couple days ago it seems, around Springdale, Lacy Park, Dunbar, and Reservoir Hill! I've been mapping it around. Trying to locate the tower it's on, I think it's the one at Apache/26th St. N and Harvard but I'm gonna go over there and check today.


    I get great signal on parts of the hill. -84 dbm in spots!


    Speeds are very hit and miss right now.


    At home:



    And up on Reservoir Hill (there's a specific part of the ridge that gets a good signal, probably due to good line of sight to the tower...)



    You can see where I've been mapping on sensorly, it's most of the area around Reservoir Hill and on Peoria/Lewis.

    • Like 1
  7. There is a site in Tulsa that usually fails to transfer any data regardless of signal strength on one of its sectors. You can see -70dbm signal get 2000+ms ping, then maybe 10kbps down and failed upload on LTE. The worst part is the messed up sector covers a huge area along a major highway and makes any Sprint phone that connects to it unusable.


    When they launch Tulsa, I'm going to raise hell on that one.


    Where at, just curious? I'd like to verify this for myself (I'm a fellow Tulsan :P).

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