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Posts posted by jmi8844

  1. Around Congress and Clark all I get is 1x or sometimes even 1x extended! Not even 3G! It started right around the time the new iphone was released?? Look how old this thread is.. We've been promised for so long from Sprint and then it's here and then maybe next month it will be better or the next or maybe with the new new upgrade it will work. We've been dealing with this for way too long I but maybe if I stand at this corner at a certain time on a certain day I'll get LTE and say its great!

  2. Thanks I've done a prl update about six times today with no difference. But as soon as I go outside I get data again, Was never like that before, wondering if the upgrades make 3G not be able to penetrate the building as well. Hopefully only temporary

  3. I work at the cbot building at Jackson and lasalle since yesterday 7/1 my 3G on iPhone 4S is completely gone! My friend who has Samsung galaxy the lte is blazing but I keep getting 'cannot connect to cellular data network' it says 3G in the corner but cannot get any data. I've reset, I've ##update# but it will just work for about 1 min then the same error! Do you think this is temporary? I've never had this problem before

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