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Posts posted by daviss

  1. Android looks for LTE every 30 minutes. Airplane toggle forces a search, or there is an app called LTE Discovery to search automatically for you.

    Just what I suspected, good to know. I will check out LTE Discovery. Thanks!


    It's not like Sprint shut down the wimax network yet.


    Right, but the WiMax network does me no good on my HTC One. So essentially, my speeds were heavily downgraded to 3G.

  2. I recently moved to the HTC One and am not happy I lost my WiMax. I wasn't aware I'd now be forced to use Sprints 3G service(which is pretty much non-existant in Minneapolis). I am have been following and reading through the forums on the LTE rollouts and know there are some nice pockets of LTE around the metro.


    My question is this, coming from the EVO 3D I am aware it doesn't constantly scan for WiMax. So when using sensorly to map out areas how often does my phone scan for LTE connection? Does it scan every few minutes or does it switch over as soon as it is in range? If it isn't always scanning, is there an app I can use that will force scanning(other than getting MSL and switching the scan rate like you could do with WiMax)? Or is the debug menu my best option?


    FYI: I work downtown and have yet to obtain a LTE connection anywhere even while walking skyways from building to building.


    Latest speedtest from my house near Lake Calhoun in what sensorly says is an LTE area(or has been in past). If I can't find an area with LTE or get some time of time frame to get out of this 3G hell I am taking phone back and leaving sprint after 12 years :( I'll have to take a drive over to some of these spots mentioned in this thread to check the speeds out myself.



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