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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Posts posted by kyleegbert

  1. Thanks for the update. After the crews install the new equipment, somebody has to come by and inspect/accept the site before it is active for the end user. Sometimes that happens fast, sometimes that happens slow. And, yes, backhaul may still need to be installed.  Has the legacy equipment been taken down?


    Here's an image of the tower.  I don't think anything looks like it's been taken down.  All the electronics on the ground are inside a concrete bunker, so I can't see what's gone on there.  The top level is completely new to this tower I believe and is where they were working for the majority of the time.





  2. Chandler Ave & Rural Tower Work (Intel Parking Garage)


    Came to work today and saw the crew up on the tower working.  I presume to install vision enhancements.  I would have expected this to have happened sooner, since Intel uses Sprint exclusively for their production service.  Will post speed tests once it's online


    So it's been a while, here's an update.  Following this post, there was a crew working diligently (from before 8am to after 5pm) for the following week and a half everyday.  They installed new antennas and were up on the cherry picker most the time.  This week, they have been gone, but there is no mention on the sponsor website anything has happened, I have no 4G coverage... From the look of the tower, there are 4G antennas... Could they be waiting for backhaul or what might be going on?  I can't find any activity happening anymore everyday there.

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