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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by kyleegbert

  1. Made it to Indianapolis, now for family, friends, and food!

  2. I’m proud to support my friends and colleagues in the transgender community today and every day. #TransgenderDayofVisibility

  3. Take action now: use our form to email your representatives in Congress. https://t.co/Yjoq2bxNom

  4. Stop Arizona's Secrecy Bill https://t.co/9LFy9oa87P

  5. https://t.co/HTozAqdwej

  6. It's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE!!! https://t.co/NOPs12ebmN

  7. One week away! https://t.co/W18rpFq0O4

  8. Registered to Tour De Mesa 100K! https://t.co/t3FgdGHPRH

  9. I should be in Portage, IN.... where's that? https://t.co/l8jOdcUrYZ

  10. A sharp knife makes it so much easier...

  11. Random photos from last night

  12. Himalayan salt cooked sliders with Alexander Saites were mmmmmmm... Thanks for the gift Madeline Egbert and Chris Egbert

  13. https://t.co/heCKh7vOUR My first attempt at droning on https://t.co/HlrhCezLin

  14. Support ending corruption in the government! https://t.co/iwDluoBUTa

  15. Urge your representatives! https://t.co/BhZwEodCZC

  16. .@RepTrentFranks, stop selling out your constituents. Oppose @AjitPaiFCC's plan to gut #NetNeutrality https://t.co/ufxtJTXazw

  17. Help Kyle Egbert get more signatures - 53657 are still needed! https://t.co/dL1eJGPEjB

  18. Alexander Saites and I finished strong this year :P https://t.co/tCP5xF3Gfy

  19. All day smoke is finally done

  20. Pretty day for a training ride Derrick Speaks Marco Cartas Danielle Rickman Alexander Saites https://t.co/CAlQuDqvN5

  21. https://t.co/ZceDPG6T8S

  22. Satya Nadella Rewrites Microsoft’s Code https://t.co/irLdstaGpC

  23. Keep losing ability to get intellisense and auto formatting via @code

  24. Lauren Hastings and Sanchari Sen http://t.co/NthQQfXZR1

  25. I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/KqfGtaxhGx

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