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Posts posted by Ms262c

  1. Need the full Cell Identity. Need to adjust the Bold Text option under your accessibility settings.


    Today's post has been brought to you by Sprint, the letters GN and the number 2.

    Thanks for the tip. Totally forgot I changed that. I tried to scroll the box like you can under the PCS menu but it didn't work. I'll post updated screenshots the next time I head to Mansfield.

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  2. I was able to get some screen shots yesterday, I'll upload them when I'm done at work. When I access the serving cell info, I scrolled down to see cell identity but it doesn't show the full number, only the first 7 numbers. Will this still help? Physical cell id was so short there's no problem seeing it.

  3. Just moved to Sewickley, spotted LTE at my address, on android I know I could track my coverage via sensorly but how do I do this with the iPhone? Usually sitting at -105 with peaks of 13m down and 9m up. If nothing else I can post a screen shot of speediest.

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