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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by stilesja

  1. @hqtrivia Me! Stiles is my HQ name

  2. @jimmykimmel I think @seanhannity is so adorable! He honestly believes he’s going to heckle the comedian and win!… https://t.co/JvOWzSks5Z

  3. @andreamazing Fred Meyer does. It’s Kroger’s version of Walmart.

  4. RT @brianschatz: The idea behind net neutrality is that no corporation gets to block or slow websites you visit. Pay your provider and you…

  5. @HISTORY @TheKingCenter Why bother continuing to call yourselves the "HISTORY" channel? You should be airing... we… https://t.co/IwUW8APPRU

  6. @Wine_Sailing @3L3V3NTH @neiltyson This is just 5 syllables away from a Haiku

  7. RT @Lane_Kiffin: Paul Finebaum hops on the Lane Train during Outside the Lines appearance. Welcome Paul. #LaneTrain https://t.co/yo9trO5F…

  8. RT @netflix: Netflix supports strong #NetNeutrality. We oppose the FCC's proposal to roll back these core protections.

  9. The #FirefoxQuantum feels really good. Been a while since I used Firefox regulary, but I'm thinking I may be back! https://t.co/IbEzwMYymx

  10. RT @JeffForderer: Are your web apps safe? Safe enough to bet your job? Learn to test like a hacker in this free webinar from @PTPCX https:/…

  11. @thejessicageex3 Started at 2:45est. Let in early, then Kicked out. Then website & rep wouldn't take card. Cards… https://t.co/ushrLsxs8W

  12. Helped nearby drivers by reporting a car stopped on the shoulder on I-40 W, Knoxville on @waze - Drive Social. https://t.co/nRFwuNUXvF

  13. Helped nearby drivers by reporting a moderate traffic jam on S Orange Ave, Orlando on @waze - Drive Social. https://t.co/3NI5ikhDr0

  14. @elonmusk Yakkity sax would be awesome background music!

  15. I just flew 171m in a brilliant game of Jetpack Joyride on iJnnn m m mmmmmrfklkmnkkknn http://t.co/d7kcZsGo http://t.co/S1cKzIC5

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