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Status Updates posted by AdmiralSirJohn

  1. Blood Tests #Bluesalts #SciFiTaxWriteOffs https://t.co/QShCDYbjOn

  2. @Varneyco Not all of New York is blue. The Southern Tier (Tom Reed's district) is VERY conservative! #NY23 #NYRepublicans #VarneyCo

  3. @Varneyco The Rock is a Republican, which leads me to think his run is for Congress, not the White House (yet).

  4. @Varneyco Might I make a request for tomorrow's 10:30 Beatles intro? I've always been fond of "Paperback Writer", s… https://t.co/onGv20RrB0

  5. @Gray_Wolfs76 @TJMcCormack @Ornery_Opinions @kurtismarsh No, but I have some blades handy...

  6. @OutnumberedFNC Last I knew, every elected official and police officer swear an oath to "support, protect and defen… https://t.co/49lFSjo2sy

  7. @TJMcCormack You'd think insurance would cover it. Hell, in NY and CA, I wouldn't be surprised if Medicaid covers it.

  8. @supcase_atl I'd love to see this for the S7 Edge. I like my black case, but it would be nice to see the silver now… https://t.co/g4MuyTjgHv

  9. @TJMcCormack @TheDemocrats @JoyAnnReid @WhitmanAndrew @RepSeanMaloney But thy won't because Alinsky's rules call for a stealth campaign.

  10. @TJMcCormack @SapracOrg I saw @MariaBartiromo interview the Prince about it. Looks like he wants to bring the kingd… https://t.co/udgaDqpBQ9

  11. @TJMcCormack Absolutely!

  12. @ANOVOS Since we've seen that at least one cast member is, shall we say, bigger than the average officer, might we… https://t.co/WIuJGVQh9o

  13. @YetiVape Any chance of Squatchopper being featured later this week?

  14. @annakooiman Mazel Tov!

  15. @TJMcCormack @NancyPelosi LOL!

  16. @TJMcCormack @ThomasCookUK @ThomasCookCares @Dulles_Airport @wusa9 @fox5dc @nbcwashington @washingtonpost… https://t.co/a4ZVM8Kyon

  17. Yeah, it's my first novel, so it probably doesn't qualify as "high art", but it's a quick read, and I'm proud of it… https://t.co/zKAh5TrwbB

  18. Within a few days of finishing my novel, Orphans of the Void. I'll post a mock-up of the cover soon, and it'll be on Amazon soon after.

  19. @SethMacFarlane I'm writing a book for NaNoWriMo in which a character quotes Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot" speech.… https://t.co/S3crQv4b03

  20. @TJMcCormack Westchester may have turned blue, but Chautauqua County is still red. Would be great to see you out here for a few days...

  21. @TheFive #POTUS is not a king. He is First among equals.. #TheFive

  22. @AndrewMayne Been meaning to ask: What's your opinion of #NaNoWriMo2017?

  23. So, I wonder if I'm in the random group allowed to use 280 characters in tweets. BTW, I liked Discovery, but it loo… https://t.co/XLvGihk0tL

  24. @MarieManiscalc1 @WilliamShatner @startrekcbs I think you'll like it. I was left wanting more, which is always good.

  25. @SethMacFarlane I've only seen one episode of @TheOrville and I'm not a pro, but I know this much. I WANT TO WRITE FOR THIS SHOW!!!

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