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S4GRU Member
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  • Phones/Devices
    iPhone 5
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Tulsa OK
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    4G Information

stevenhperry's Achievements

Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. I'm moving to the Tulsa market soon from KC. I've been on LTE since I joined the smartphone world. The 3G service in Tulsa I found to be attrocious during my visits. I gather from this thread that LTE is rolling out, but even some of you don't seem upset with your 3G service. What gives? Do I need to tweak the setting on an iPhone 5 to get it play nice with a 3G network instead of LTE? Am I just that spoiled by living in KC? At 91st & Mingo data was mostly miss and sometimes I was able to load some plain text emails. Voice was also quite laggy and cut out a few times, but no drops. Even at restaurants off 71st and outside the Spring store up there, data was ssssllloooowwww. Pulling up google maps for directions took 30-60 seconds. In KC, I get LTE most everywhere (except Sprint campus area). It blows 3G away, but in the outskirts on 3G I can still stream music and look at media-rich websites. Call quality is always great and there is no noticeable lag, though I have had two dropped calls in 6 months.

    #MegaMillions lottery makes my Bernie Madoff investments look savvy!

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