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Posts posted by UNLISTED CREW

  1. If you read your previous post about the service, it sounded way overly angry over phone service. I was making light of that. It was meant for humor. Nothing personal.


    It's fine I was just taking it as another "mom" joke and it was pissing me off no harm done & sorry for the angry come back and I know my post sounded angry but true fully I actually am kinda mad when i'm on the go or work or whatever my data speeds drop to like 0.01-0.12 Mbps anywhere in that range, but at my house I get around 1.50 - 2.50 MBPS but what good is that if i have WIFI? I have had LTE a few times in Fullerton and it's a truly great experience and totally different experience in fact its amazing I was getting 25-30 MBPS Down & about 5-9 MBPS upload and even though my WIFI is faster it felt like it loaded it faster anyways I don't know it's just my input and I know I'm only one person but I know everyone here wants LTE!



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