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Posts posted by avlon

  1. Seems like the Co-op city and Bay Plaza areas are now live. I'm averaging LTE speeds indoors between 5mb - 15mb depending on how far in I am. With Wimax the signal was so poor. 3G is improved 1-3mb downloads.


    If it stays this way and it keeps spreading to upstate NY, I will be a very happy customer.

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  2. Remember to offload. Whenever you are at home or work you should be on WiFi. It's people that constantly stream over LTE and 3G that slow down the network in the first place.


    True, but at the same time they are paying for their service (on their phone) and should stream and use the network as they see fit without having to rely on wifi. Now if they are tethering all day and playing xbox live/psn while downloading torrents I will agree with you.

  3. Was your 4G down as well? Mine has been missing for the past few days, and I'm located in the Morris Park area of the Bronx near Jacobi Hospital. Mine is still not back up....


    I have had the same issue from Pelham Manor up to the Morris Park area in the Bronx. In December, I was getting some pretty nice LTE speeds and coverage (even indoors) on my Note 2 and then after Xmas, it was gone. There is some LTE in some parts of Bay Plaza but it's not very fast. Pelham Manor is now non-existent (I was able to compete with my Girlfriends Verizon LTE phone speed while it was up) and the last time I was in the Jacobi area about 2-3 weeks ago..the LTE was also gone. Again, in December it was fine in that area. Weird...


    For those in the know: Is it normal for Sprint to turn off LTE towers that seem to be working fine??

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