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Posts posted by NotAFan2

  1. That's an issue with Samsung's implementation of Android, not Sprint.


    I've switched to Paranoid Android and never looked back. But I love AOSP-based things, which are not for everyone.


    I haven't found a single complaint for this issue on any other carrier while searxhing for a fix. (How I found this thread)


    How do you have Paranoid Android when it sounds like it isn't released for the Note 2 yet according to everything find on their site...

  2. I joined this forum specifically because of this thread. Here is why I am impatient with Sprint:


    I have been using Verizon for years but their data plans and customer service were extremely lacking. I ported to Sprint and thought Unlimited Data, good price. cool. I do get reception everywhere I need by activating all of the Roaming features BUT I get notifications, literally around 100 a day that I am losing Data Connectivity while I am connected to WiFi. You can do a search around the internet for HOURS trying to find a way to stop these notifications on my $650 Note 2 but you can't! I even rooted hoping it might make these notifications go away because I would LOVE to not go crawling to another company. I can't get reception here on Enterprise Way in Sunnyvale, Ca in my office. Surely this must be some hidden ghetto corner of the US but what could I literally throw a rock from my office building to around here? Microsoft, Rambus, Motorola, Comcast, NASA's Moffett Field even! I'm in the heart of the Silicon Valley and I can't get reception. Sprint's only answer for me has been: Turn off roaming and it won't bug you. So I'm not allowed to have reception? Good answer guys. Data Guard is disabled and it still bugs.



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