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Posts posted by IsaiahL



    Nothing there.


    Elmont is on the edge of the market. You may see some bleed-over LTE from Queens, but I doubt it will be very useful until the Long Island market starts to see sites go live with LTE. It will just depend on how they set up the sites in Queens whether a usable signal will bleed over into your area.

    Awh , you said the summer right , well thats when I expected to have LTE in my area anyways , I really don't care cause I spend most of time in the City so ill have it or get a taste of it , still have something to look forward too . ????



    Long Island will not have LTE when NYC launches. Or at least, it will not launch with NYC. Long Island is a different market than NYC, it has just recently started. There are currently no LTE accepted sites in Long Island, and it will likely be a month or three before LTE is live in the Long Island market. The Long Island launch will probably come sometime late spring or early summer.


    What area are you in in particular? Queens is the end of the NYC market. The Cross Island Parkway (That's what google calls it) is the border between the NYC Market and the Long Island market, with the exception of Little Neck, which is in the NYC market.


    Im in Elmont , if I drive 10-20 The Cross Island Parkway is right there ill attach an image.



  3. btw, Spoke to Tech support that is working on the towers that were affected by Sandy and they are telling me that they are just rebuilding them with NV and that they won't go live until early 2013. When pressed what early 2013 means, they said around March is when NYC will be launched. Let's hope this is correct. Can't wait for LTE in more places.


    Yeah , I heard that rumor too of LTE for NYC being launched in March , if thats the case I hope that Long Island gets it too. Do you think i'd get it , I live on the border of Queens past the belt .


    awesome news!!! lets go Queens!!! this is like a race haha.


    Yupp Sprint is definitely picking up on the LTE in Queen's . But theres definitely something wrong with the 3G towers near me , the download & upload speeds have gone back to old Sprint 3G speeds (0.15mbps down & 0.00mbps up) & the ping is between 500-700 its ridiculous idk whats going on , I think it might be the fog , i've noticed that when ever the weather is bad my service is too.

  5. I think by summer, we should have some what of a decent LTE coverage in NYC. If earlier, even better. I can't wait to taste LTE on a consistent basis.


    Yeah I can't wait to be able to unlock my iPhone & see those 3 letters LTE <3 love it , when I see it in my area im gonna jump up & down. So glad Sprint has unlimited , otherwise I run through my data every month lol.


    Unfortunately, the limit for members doesn't allow for more than a handful of screenshots - I brought this up to Robert and he raised the limit for sponsors to hold a bit more. If the server is this pressed to hold images, it's a good idea to host them externally (imgur? dropbox works too)


    Yeah thanks , I like Dropbox better anyways , ill just post the links to the pictures from now on.

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