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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. Screen protector is great, well done Samsung. I do have to say, this phone is a beast for rf performance, I'm at work in the basement and I haven't dropped to 3G yet, still holding onto 2-3 bars of LTE. VoLTE worked fantastic just a few minutes ago very clear.
  2. Yes I love it, you quickly forget about the hole. Better in everything I've seen so far.
  3. Too much going on there, I hated the clustered look on ios and won't have it on android. I keep nothing on my home screen, no pages either, if I want my apps I swipe up or down. Nice and clean.
  4. Really loving this phone as of now, fingerprint sensor works great once you know where to press and for how long. Removed all of the bloatware, got all of my settings situated it's feeling pretty good and no more awkward than my 9+ was considering they are literally the same physical size. The camera notch doesn't bother me whatsoever, I am surprised I was able to get over that so fast.
  5. Finally got it activated over the phone. Ordered the galaxy buds, now to remove the bloatware which seems to be getting worse every year...
  6. That's if you can even get to the chat, thing is hardly ever open always busy.
  7. Can't get my damn phone to activate online or through the phone itself...
  8. Indeed, this is awesome. Can't wait until I get home so I can actually activate this phone, I am home now with it but on my lunch so I don't have enough time to devote to it currently. 4 hours to go! I must say this thing is sexy in Prism White my god.
  9. Indeed, this is awesome. Can't wait until I get home so I can actually activate this phone, I am home now with it but on my lunch so I don't have enough time to devote to it currently. 4 hours to go! I must say this thing is sexy in Prism White my god.
  10. Phone is in Philly definitely delivery for tomorrow!
  11. In transit now right after I wrote that lol, delivery by end of day tomorrow.
  12. https://www.sprint.com/en/shop/ship.html?ECID=vanity:ship Just got movement, in transit! Guess I got in early enough?
  13. Apparently white 128gb models are delayed until the 15th or 18th, if I don't get mine tomorrow I'm cancelling and leaving Sprint. Unacceptable. I did a pre pre-order to avoid that in the first place. But we'll see.
  14. Still no update on mine... Still saying label created.
  15. Still no change in my ups status, hopefully it changes to out for delivery.
  16. Waiting for mine to update, my delivery date is tomorrow 2nd day air.
  17. Ups isn't the most accurate over the weekend, I've had packages say that and show up Monday morning their tracking sucks.
  18. I've never dealt with a new unlocked device, always went with Sprint branded devices and they come with Sims.
  19. Pretty sure new phones come with new Sims, I know my s9 did.
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