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Everything posted by BlueAngel

  1. That's strange, I registered mine on the same day and mine were shipped on friday.
  2. My buds are out for delivery can't wait to try them out, I also have two more cases coming today made a bad choice on my first case lol.
  3. Well it's quite a difference in battery capacity, I'm not mad at all though, this phone is amazing I'm purposely gonna leave it off the charger tonight. Curious if I can make it to tomorrow night lol. 69% as I am typing this.
  4. The battery on the 10+ is amazing, I unplugged at 4pm it's now 1:40am and I am at 74%, wow!
  5. My buds have shipped I should have them on Tuesday.
  6. Am I the only one who doesn't care about 5G? I'm more than satisfied with LTE. I'll continue using it until I absolutely have to use 5G.
  7. Almost a week later and I'm loving this phone, battery has been phenomenal, rf performance is stellar and much improved over the 9+, and yet it still has the same dimensions. VoLTE has been solid too, just wish it worked on the magic box which I don't even need but someone else in the house needs it because of a stupid iPhone that has horrible rf performance but I digress. Way to go Samsung.
  8. Yeah I know that but I haven't see any roaming notice in the status bar. And the debug menu shows native Sprint service.
  9. Both the S8 and S9 suck in comparison to the S10 in rf performance, it's amazing the difference. I used to hit 3G here and there but not anymore. It's all LTE, finally Sprint gets a good phone.
  10. From watching the event. 😛 Sorry you were confused, 8GB is still a hefty amount though.
  11. I see no issues with mine, but I only wear glasses so everything looks fine to me.
  12. RF performance is tons better than my S9+, I normally would be in 3G in my basement at work but nope my phone hung onto LTE for dear life and performance was still great. VoLTE was great today also but it does not work on the magic box apparently lol but I use WiFi calling anyways at home.
  13. My experience with Android Auto wasn't great on my 9+ it constantly crashed hoping this one will be better. Could also be my cable not quite sure lol.
  14. Glad I'm not the only one who saw a massive increase in signal, I've yet to drop to 3G at work.
  15. Interesting, don't know why it didn't work for me.
  16. Yeah out of habit I'm doing that as well but slowly going for the front now.
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