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Posts posted by burnout8488

  1. I don't see why that wouldn't work. They would deal with the ETF stuff, and you would submit for the $75 credit, it looks like. Two separate things. 


    It's a great time to switch to Sprint, that's for sure!




    My girlfriend ported over from Verizon a few months ago when they were doing the $100 gift card for new ports. I signed her up for that, and we waited. Then a few weeks later, the $200 port-in offer was available for her framily ID. So I signed her up for that, on the off-chance it would override the $100 card, figuring it wouldn't work at all. 


    She ended up getting a $100 and a $200 card in the mail. Needless to say, she's one happy girl. 

    • Like 1
  2. Most people with single line plans DO get a discount by creating a 1-member framily. SERO members won't, but anyone else most likely would. 


    It makes sense why they don't want hoards of existing Sprint customers converting their accounts to Framily. 


    1) Framily is meant as a way to refer new lines to Sprint

    2) Customers locked into a contract would be liable for much less money to Sprint over the life of their contract. If Sprint already has people locked in for 2 years at a high rate, why would they want to get rid of that?

    • Like 1
  3. The wait doesn't bother me too much. It'll be cool to see the ridiculous amounts of LTE800/2600 updates when they're ready. 


    But thanks for getting a few "NV Sites Complete" map updates done despite the travel Robert. I was starting to miss those :)

    • Like 4
  4. So much for the "24th" memo, guess we've got a few more hours! After today, I suppose it's anyone's guess as to when this update will drop. 


    Meh. Enjoying my 5S for the time being. The data drops were just getting ridiculous on my N5. 

  5. Is it impossible to send/receive MMS(group messages) over WiFi on the newest version of hangouts?


    I'm wondering if one of the APN s will fix this.


    I'd also think we could send/receive MMS (picture) on WiFi too...


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    SMS and MMS require an active wireless data connection, and cannot be sent/received over wifi.

  6. Looks like the nexus thread got locked but it might also be relevant here. My Nexus 5 no longer indicates roaming anymore when connected to 1x800. I don't know what changed, but maybe Syracuse is having 800 officially launched. No 800 shows up on any acceptance reports in the entire market so far. Looks like its about time to send back the Airave.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I hope all of Upstate NY gets lit up with 1x800 in a single acceptance report. It's been so spotty down here in Binghamton, just get it over with already Sprint! Fringe 1x is getting old :( 

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