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Posts posted by burnout8488

  1. While I agree on the outdated appearance and slowness of these maps, the item I find most ironic is how many months go by between when LTE is first turned on until it appears on these maps.  It can be more than six months.  This is really a fully launched market map more than a LTE available map.  Then of course is the exaggeration of all the carrier coverage maps (smaller carriers often hide their own maps).


    This really is a huge oversight - think of how many customers look at their market and choose to go with another carrier because there isn't any LTE showing up. When in reality, the market may be 99% launched. 


    My home market of Binghamton NY is absolutely riddled with LTE everywhere, yet the maps only show 3G. It's been this way since early 2013. 


    When a tower goes live, add a splotch of orange Sprint. Add a splotch. 

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  2. Those were the old terms. Now it's if you're In the top data users and are connected to an overburdened site ALL your traffic is deprioritized, not just video.


    Still don't need to worry though because they're not grandfathering anyone. You'll be subject to the throttle even on your old plan.


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

    Ah! I'll update my post so it isn't blatant misinformation then. 


    I think that's very fair though, if a site is overloaded then it should definitely throttle to allow smooth usage for every user of the site. This is what I would expect of any network. It's why peak hours are sometimes terrible for cellular usage. 

  3. Can someone analyze my market's scenario?


    1x800 worked for 2 weeks in my market, everywhere. As of a few days ago, it's totally turned off, everywhere. Were those first few weeks testing, and everything should light up and go "accepted" soon?


    Just hoping this activity is following a trend that has been present in other markets. I was under the impression that 1x800 was blocked during testing, then released once it was done, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. I was connecting to it everywhere, now, nothing.


    This was from February I believe:


    Forecasted (Q3 schedule) BC10 Sites On-air

    Current on-air - 10[+]%

    End of 2013 - 43%

    Mid 2014 - 100%



    Guess we're almost done!

  4. I'm thinking about joining a Framily plan, but am nervous about the terms and conditions that they have set forth. Am I just over thinking it...? I currently have an old Everything Data 1500 Minute Family plan and spend almost $150 per month for those two lines. It looks like right now, without phones calculated in I could save a substantial bit of money per month if I got on a 7-10 line plan. Any thoughts about the throttling / terms and conditions?

    The throttling is only for video streaming (False: It's everything now) and only if the site you're on is experiencing heavy load. So it wouldn't be a very common occurrence.


    Are there any other T&C issues that would be different from your ED plan?

    • Like 1

    I have 9 lines on my account all on framily. 2 lines have unlimited data, 1 line has a $27/mo phone payment, and i'm paying $5/mo for the 25 meg tablet plan. all of that with taxes and fees is $343 and change. the lines that don't have any extra pay $30.93/mo. 


    here is the breakdown of the taxes and fees


    Federal-Univ Serv Assess Non-LD $5.76

    Iowa State-TRS Charge $0.27 

    Administrative Charge $23.88 

    Regulatory Charge $4.80 

    Total -------------- $34.71


      Iowa State-911 Tax $9.00   Iowa State-Sales Tax $9.60   -------------- Total $18.60



    Gotta be honest, I'm somewhat confused. One line has a $27 payment while the other basic lines have a $30.93 payment? Do they live in different states? 


    It looks like we'll probably have anywhere between $4-$7 in fees per line all said and done in NY. 

  6. I love sprint but I see why they give themselves a bad name. Im surrounded by all nv complete sites and things like late text messages and calls that never come through still happen. I shouldn't have to deal with this on an "advanced" network.


    You might get slapped on the wrist with that kind of talk around here!  :rasp: This needs to get back on-topic. 

  7. Can't get 800 whatsoever today, it seems like they turned it off down here in the Binghamton market. What's everyone else's experiences in Syracuse and Albany?


    I went for a drive to map out some rural areas expecting 800 to kick in but it never did, despite trying calls and whatnot. 


    This is right before I was going to propose to get my gf's family on to Sprint from Verizon this weekend. Not helpful when they live on fringe 1900 service. 800 was working great at their place the last few weeks. 

  8. I've been reporting eCSFB issues through eChat to Sprint for about a month now. My local market (Binghamton, NY) is generally B25 LTE complete, however triband phones cannot place or receive calls when connected to LTE. I've tested this on multiple phones, on multiple sites all around the area.


    I've provided them with site numbers, but all they come back with is that the upgrades are complete in my area and that they are sorry. We are not 1x800 accepted yet. Is 800 acceptance going to be what fixes these eCSFB issues? 


    When I use my N5 in the Lehigh Valley market on 1x800 + LTE accepted sites, I can place and receive calls flawlessly when connected to LTE. So I know it's not the device. 


    My local area has been like this since January - this means that pretty much every (triband) customer here hasn't been able to make or receive calls since then on the LTE sites. I find it hard to believe. 


    Is it common that LTE accepted sites without 1x800 have these calling issues? Is a 1x800 acceptance really what will fix this eventually? (Not because it's 800, but because THEN the site will be fully upgraded?)

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