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Everything posted by belusnecropolis

  1. Push to talk services are now available through Sprint, or many other roms available. Except nao, it is just done in a magnificently more efficient medium over data. I don't have a lot of nostalgia of iden that was really positive other than it was deployed on a band that reached further than my voice or text service.
  2. I have spotted 3 new cows in our market in as many months.
  3. Yeah this led me to believe they will now simply fall under the regular t's and c's regime.
  4. http://imgur.com/hPlyDLt I sent an email to Sprint regarding what plans were actually affected and which plans would actually be subject to change under the effects of these new changes, I received this.
  5. You if you so choose, and are inclined to participate in mapping you're local network. A lot of us here enjoy seeing the network transition. Meeting workers in the industry, getting up close to the hardware to better understand the network components, and collecting then aggregating data associated with the network and rollout. All this on top of enjoying the networks new services, knowing where and usually when we should have a good signal, and for many of us learning about how it all works. Yet another bonus is being on the edge of the tech rollout by actively participating. Many make maps, take pictures, capture video/screenshots/pics of how the network is loaded in some spots and others to compare where the network is and may be in the future. Tl;Dr a few folks who constantly watch towers for work and document it to add to the knowledge herein S4gru's already accumulated data and efforts. As usual the best camera is the one you have on you, be safe when spotting, and take your time since going back can be a pain to repeat. So go get a camera, post what the network looks like and see you in the sponsor area hopefully
  6. Thank you for this. I have a ton of questions, yet unfortunately just finished physics homework and have to squeeze in some sleep before work. The willingness of others to share experience in industry is greatly appreciated and I look forward to this thread. I'm pretty sure what you do is along the lines of what I would like to do. Once again S4gru is the spot. I learned more useful info in that first post than my whole day at work. Thanks again everyone and great idea. Have a great day.
  7. 2 COWs are now up in the city. The expansion is coming to the beach, some of it is quietly being set up. Ubiquitous signal may actually be realized by this winter along the beach and the roads in. 501, 544, and other areas have capable backhaul and most likely "tuned". The NV network has added lots of range and obviously capacity. We have a couple sites with extra CDMA carriers such as by the malls. The network does remain fairly slim for the topography, changing several iDen sites could fix this of course. Our 2 protection sites are still running only hauwei http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4928-how-to-spot-clearwire-tdd-lte-wimax-antennas-rrus-huawei/ gear in WiMAX only. So that is taking up a big splash of the 2.5 waves here, even though my digging shows us having a very deep spectrum depth in 2.5 here, and those two sites don't really cover much. So look towards the end of the season winter travelers for the new work, and enjoy the capacity adds they are putting up now
  8. In my area it is always punching @1.4 until you get indoors or cell edge. Even on GMO's it works but the coverage is lacking w them. It slows naturally as tourist season picks up but works well and music streaming has always worked for me very well on ehrpd.
  9. Call me nuts, but I think I saw this coming. This dood is intense wireless. I enjoy seeing your work, it is very thorough and excellent reading to say the least. Congratulations and thank you for your time, folks with your level of skill that volunteer are plain awesome. So much great insight as well. Keep sharing
  10. Curious to see what and how the technology operates. Good or bad it may still be cool to learn about. If you have a great experience still and it blunts the speed testers, well I guess something about just dessert applies. If it blows and is applied (apparently) bluntly it is gonna suck. Also, I am excited for the gentle wordsmithetry associated with this discussion. The last one was a bit grinder out there.
  11. Wimax is set to use a different frequency block on each sector. You are looking at a mess when trying integrate an LTE network in this setup. Just another gift from Clear that keeps giving.
  12. Still many zones that are gmo'd and sitting on 3g, 26 is quite active but still needs some help. When you travel to the beach area this year let me know and I will get get you the lowdown on your location and what coverage to expect. 26 is here but still needs a lot of adjustment, and more conversion of 3g to a more complete build. The reach alone would provide extra capacity, but you will see it when at the beach. Band 25 is all over but is subject to 'spottiness' I guess would be the word. It is obviously still carrying most of the load, naturally it shows. Be careful with hotel WiFi, some are very lax and leave you open or exposed. With this many hotels expect a trickster posing as a hotspot now and then. When at the hotel check to make sure their security aligns with your needs and get the protocol. Down to it you will maintain a signal if you really need one. 3g has been improved vastly yet on the flip side we have one high capacity site, and it just has more CDMA carriers. The network is still leaps and bounds ahead of two years ago but this market demands a metric poopton of carriage. Hope this helps on travels and everyone be safe and happy Spring season.
  13. I always figured find the smartest guy in the room, flip an idea they just hated then flip it upside down to make it work well, and wait for that to happen to me if I couldn't do it to myself.
  14. For many students that spend lots of time confused by our material, all of these cool facts help us gain a better picture of a larger end product/goal of our work. We are also helped out on the inner workings of wireless and electronics varied technologies. Personally I am an nearly incorrigible student in learning habits, and have a few things that work really hard against me in study and learning. A big thanks for all that you guys keep sharing, please keep it up and directing us to good sites, tools, work, and especially your experience! This also helps us understand where the industry is headed by sharing all this info like the expansion(and multitudes moar). Kind of let's us know where to start digging to keep our pulse tuned to what's coming, and that always helps in our newer, generally crappier economy. On topic, where do we see all this headed for workers in the industry? I have read all about the tower companies, foreign vendors, and shareholders loving it in one way or another. Are we going to see more technicians needed, and what level? Do we see Sprint expanding in more positions for technical doods or mostly sales/service force after having shed redundancies the last few years? I ask this keeping in mind Sprints past efforts at r&d, new patents, and the more unseen side, like green efforts. Thanks for inputs.
  15. I think it is up in the air right now man. Dude said it best in the article, roaming costs(!$!) prospective growth +$, and once it is rolled out, it is just interest% and opex /$/ I am imagining. Look to areas that survived the meltdown in the city and suburbs, industrial areas that pose growth opportunities, and everyone else is rooting for highways like myself. I live in teh styx now so I would appreciate a stonger rural presence. This should be cool man. I am getting geared up for this already.
  16. Also, where does one pick up some of these notes?
  17. Very true about the statement. Yet I have to point that in today's market and tomorrow's it will be much different. A couple things to keep in mind abpit this spectrum. This frequency will be usable at earliest a few years post auction; National data use will have eleventeentupled by then, so imagine large swaths to go fast. I also believe a goal of about 100+ MHz of spectrum has been set by the FCC. This this will be a giant clearing and "repacking". At such a volume most will try to go whole hog and aim for wider channels, the tech will be there by then to accommodate it. AT&T has stated they would like 20MHz FDD, now that seems giant today but this spectrum will be used for coverage as well as capacity at this point, also m2m and IoT. This is all dependant on this whole thing actually going off as described. Government × Broadcasters ÷ Cell carriers / Data usage + IoT = divide by 0 it may never happen at this rate. So 10MHz FDD may stay big for awhile.
  18. Lots of nice band 26 coverage online now. I see a need for 41 in quite a few(and few NEW) places of course but 26 has been a nice addition to 25. We still have a dead zone along the Farrow parkway, at the airport, and worse yet the market common. The site that services there has still seen no 4g conversion. 90, 701, CFBlvd, 22, and 31 have ginourmous areas of -. That does not help when you are lost tourist dersh, spilling your ranch soaked chicken wings and BBQ all over your rental car, and you cut me off and hit my whip with your empty Wendy's bag out the window. All cuz you can't get a text out to complain about your no GPS and how you are scared of the bikers and can't believe they ruined your memorial day vacation. Rural work is lacking still. Spacing is rough throughout the market for coverage, and not to well with all the pine forests that stay full year round. Bringing up 41 will be difficult with the current arrangements for continuous coverage, as 25 does disappear a good bit. Having said all that, man 26 is cruising along and it is great to fall back on, and use when I need something it is zippy. Here is to Son and Co. Getting 41 up and working as smoothly and quickly as they are with 26 so far. Now if we could just get some of this "tuning" on the 2 bands we have, Profit. Sprint is a big market here with value travelers. The area just keeps getting bigger, busier, and more traveled being an area for growth that so many families drive too; Even when gas is three bucks it was two fiddy here. Folks love to drive here, they use data a lot too! (Gotta send all those pics and crazy vidyas!) as noted in the last 6 ctushing failures then one decent last few years. They finally are making good ground and a great turnaround. Now hurry please Sprint and get on 2.0 so I can track it plzkthx. Tldr; still significant holes on key tourism hot spots, transit hubs, schools, highways. But getting better, and 26 is low power but online at many sites. Need a nice 5-10% densification by next year and 41 would have a chance to get off right. We'll see.
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