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Everything posted by Kaixor

  1. You too? I don't know what's wrong, in the past, it would have consistent 1-2 bars or 3G, now I can get up to 4 bars of service but will occasionally drop to 1x in the same location
  2. iPhone can't stay connected to EVDO LTE must be coming!
  3. Looks like a recent development, I just got PRL 55010 on my iPhone 5 I wonder what are the differences...
  4. But I thought sprint said that their back haul could handle LTE-advanced?
  5. Ah okay well LTE is amazing anyways when I can get it Guess I gotta be happy with the 2x1 MIMO that the iPhone 5 does (yes I'm happy with it already ) On a side note wow you guys reply FAST o.O
  6. I have a burning question that I cannot find an answer to on the Internet (if that's possible). When sprint gets LTE advanced, will the iPhone 5 and the GS3 support the new features (Carrier aggregation, etc)? And what other phones can use LTE-A?
  7. Ah I see... hopefully there won't be any interruptions in samsungs NV build from this
  8. In a dream world sprint and Verizon would allow LTE roaming but here in the real world probably not
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I would immediately switch to sprint
  10. Clearwire up to 3.14..... Silly investors, this isn't going anywhere
  11. They deserve it for all of the hard work that they put in
  12. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/dish-trumps-sprints-offer-clearwire-073136447.html
  13. When sprint finishes up their LTE rollout, what will happen to this amazing site? Change to S5GRU?
  14. After reading the second point, I'm left with the impression that sprint doesn't really like S4GRU... Do they?
  15. Hm.... I sense congestion starting to happen D: I keep track of 2 towers in my area regularly so I'm sure this isn't just someone hogging up the bandwidth, when these towers first got LTE, I could easily hit 20-25 Mbps download, nowadays though I get average of around 4-8 Mbps..... Not that I'm complaining about those speeds compared to sprint's 3G Plus those speeds are within what sprint is telling us to expect. Just worried about congestion in cases where congestion DOES become a real problem, what would sprint do?
  16. Hmm.... Sorry if this has been asked before but.... Just what does S4GRU mean? I can guess 2 of them but still....
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