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Posts posted by adamo696

  1. Become a sponsor and you will see the progress in our NV Sites Complete thread. Sensorly only shows what people report.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

    Hey Robert 1 question i would like to know how much money you have to donate to become a sponsor and what are the advantages of being so?
  2. yte5u8a5.jpgYou guys in Rockville area are going to see a little purple along E. GUDE Dr. I added 52points on my way to FedEx station off of Calhoun. By the way if you guys and gals see this unit on the road around the beltway during pm hours it is I, mapping and hauling. I have to get paid don't I

    Thanks for good news I hope they expand rockville more cause I need LTE 3G is slow as hell
  3. Just picked up a few points up in Germantown on Ridge Road.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

    On germantown thats nice but those cities germantown and Gaithersburg where not in the list of cities that should get LTE unlike rockville bethesda and fredrick which are in the list but dot any LTE yet
  4. They will likely upgrade one site to LTE in each city, and then every week or two, another one. They will likely start soon, maybe even before the end of the year. However, it will be several months before there is citywide coverage of LTE in any of those cities.


    Hopefully this answers your questions.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

    I thought you ment alot because you said it will take several months before there is citywide coverage but anyway thanks a lot

  5. I'm not certain I understand your post. But I will attempt to respond to what I think you've said.


    NV improvements are typically left on when completed. Especially 3G improvements. However, you likely are connected to only legacy sites and not NV sites. An overloaded legacy site can bog down at peak times, but can be normal speed at off peak times. They are not turning NV sites on and off. That is not your issue.


    As for the Maryland communities you cite, it is an impossible question to answer. They are upgrading throughout the market on a site by site basis. They will likely upgrade one site to LTE in each city, and then every week or two, another one. They will likely start soon, maybe even before the end of the year. However, it will be several months before there is citywide coverage of LTE in any of those cities.


    Hopefully this answers your questions.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

    Well thanks man but i thought rockville was going to get LTE sometime soon by february max and know im thinking end of 2013.
  6. Not strange at all. Peak demand time periods are being bogged down on Sprint's legacy 3G network. Sprint is upgrading its 3G to Network Vision standards and upgrading backhaul. NV 3G sites perform much better than legacy 3G sites, like you are probably using now.



    Will they ever leave on the NV tower on cause it is much faster it is slow on day time?.And do you know if rockville gaithesberg and bethesda ever get LTE soon?

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