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Posts posted by darnell89

  1. It performs like other smartphones on the network...good or bad depending on the area.


    The reason I asked is, because I keep hearing the iPhone is preforming lower than Android on 3G.....I guess like u said it really depends on the area.

  2. Spint will release it's 1st quarter financials next week. Curious if they will update numbers for iphone sales. They generally don't. They did offer numbers for the 4th qtr, but that may have been an exception since it was the first quarter of selling the iphone. At that point it was 1.2 million iphones sold I believe.


    Is Sprint dead last on sales compared to VZW? I know AT&T is selling them like crazy!

  3. Second Round markets were originally scheduled to start between July and December 2012. Now some are starting a little early, in May and June. But these early markets are not in NC. Stay tuned to S4GRU for more updates.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


    ok, thanks again! will do!

  4. The Wilmington area is in the Sprint Myrtle Beach market and we have not announced it yet. There is no Advanced 3G that is a part of Network Vision, but Sprint is using Remote Radio units that will increase 3G signal strength by ~20%.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner


    Thanks, I just hope this increase helps cause in my area it's very difficult to use 3G while watching movies, and surfing the web.

  5. Hello,


    I'm new to the forum, looking to make new cyber friends, and looking for answer about Sprint's service and updates on 3G, 4G, and Wimax.


    Been waiting patiently for Sprint to get it together, and fix all the issues they have been having.....I been quite the sport! I just hope they fix the data speeds all over the country, before they lose even more people over it!


    Why have unlimited data, when you can barely use it......smh.....Unlimited is very useless in my area, and it sucks!


    Thanks for your time!

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