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Everything posted by VoxLuna

  1. That is confusing. But I don't know as much as I'd like about the radio interface, even though I have been hacking Android since the beginning. I constantly check the signal using SCP, since changing to Sprint a year ago. The outdoor signal here is so bad, a MagicBox v2 wouldn't sync with anything. In south Macomb County. Go 3 miles up the street and it's the fastest DL speed I've ever seen, by far (including VZW and TMo). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Great, thanks. I have been on the website that shows up in Help, but somehow I've never found that glossary underneath.
  3. I've been lurking in this thread for some time, and I have a question. I'm using SignalCheck Pro to help me navigate the mess Sprint has in my Macomb area. I was wondering if there's a post explaining the indicators shon after band number, like B41² or B41 SC or B25² 10x10 I understand some, but not all, the nomenclature. Is there a list of their various meanings? TIA.
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