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Posts posted by tyroned3222

  1. First off, I don't know what part of my comment your protesting? Sprint going at it alone? Or my speculation on how much market share they could end up with 3-5 years down the road with the proper investments from Softbank into Sprint as a standalone company?

     All of my comments are based on speculation, and my guestimations are just that, guesses. Sorry if you intercepted them as facts, that's on you.

    Don't see them (Softbank) pumping $20B+ into the Sprint network having three other competitors to fight and end up with just over a quarter of the market share.

    Softbank's intentions are now clear, Sprint needs to self sustain until the merger is approved. They are not going to invest further into Sprint until they have no other option.

    These are my opinions, simple as that...

    I agree, a reuter article came out earlier


    Source here: https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1KR22P?__twitter_impression=true


    The approval period could last longer then a year.. Now my take on might be called crazy , but this gives Sprint time and a roaming agreement from tmo that will help with customer satisfaction could lower their churn and help them gain market share. Now I'm not saying that softbank did it this way to buy them time, but 6-12 months (possibly longer)in the wireless industry is a long time lots can change.. Sprint is making strides as shown by John saw and the improvements at the Yankees stadium today... Sprint could make some great strides on their wireless network...


    Market share is important, but the wireless industry isn't going anywhere and there is always room to grow.. I think Sprint need to start offering unlimited hotspot and better push on marketing and I think it will work .. just my opinion 18c3557923658bbd76da611a9b8113fd.jpg


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  2. I understand your hope.   But I don't want them to do it alone... They have tried and failed on too many different network "work"/upgrades and rarely actually complete any of it.   T-Mobile actually does what they promise.   
    I agree, but this is the first we are actually seeing Sprint put money behind this network and rootmetrics is already showing early signs of Sprint improving drastically.. and I'm sure more will come soon

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  3. After studying the Sprint-T-Mobile proposal for more than three months, the Department of Justice, while not yet making a decision on the merger, now believes there needs to be three carriers to establish a true competitive marketplace, according to a source with direct knowledge of the thinking within the DOJ.

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  4. This is where El paso stands currently:


    Total macro site count: 60

    Total small cell count: 26



    Total upgrades complete (b41/b26): 25 out of 60 upgrades are complete. All upgrades are 8t8r equipment.

    I'm still checking the ones across fort bliss to see if those have been upgraded.



    Small cell count:

    14 small cells: band 25 only

    12 small cells: band 41

    Total 26


    Spoke with staff at the hospital Sprint DAS hasn't been upgraded... So must still be 3G/b25 only


    Band 26 site equipment and RRUS are ready just waiting to be cleared and turned on.. most band 41 sites are live and in the middle of being optimized


    Will be updating this through out the day trying to make this as accurate as possible.. as I don't have any offical tower maps


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    Sprint would be eligible to receive the payment if the two companies don’t close the deal by April 29, 2019 (with the option to extend that time frame pending regulatory approval), and if Sprint has indicated that it is ready and willing to complete the merger by that date.  


    That is an interesting choice of an If.. and if Sprint has indicated that it is ready and willing to complete the merger by that date...


    I doubt Sprint is worried about the 600 million imo.. as long as they get the roaming I think Sprint will walk away happy



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  6. Interesting! So it would seem TMobile may be broadcasting the Clear PLMN? Maybe it's part of the roaming/integration plan? Also interesting that it still shows as roaming, even though it's using a "native" PLMN. I would have assumed that was used to determine if the R indicator should be shown, but apparently not.

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    I myself thought this roaming wouldn't kick in until a certain amount of miles outside of city limits... But I guess the roaming also exists withing city limits...

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  7. Tell those crews to come to Albuquerque for a bit and finish the rest of the towers.
    Ya it's crazy .. they started that work last year on a few sites bringing Mini macros .. then earlier in the year. They started pushing 8t8r sites and now upgrades are going up daily sometimes even 2 sites at the same time .. at this pace sprint could be done with El paso eoy

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  8. So visiting Las Cruces this weekend, drove though El Paso and I-10 seems to be fixed between just east of downtown El Paso all the way to Las Cruces.  Las Cruces itself seems to be covered with 8t8r's as I am seeing 3 carriers in the south, central and northern parts of the city.  Just the addition of B41 unloaded a lot of B25 for those less lucky areas.  Haven't seen MM and it's curious that El Paso has those while Las Cruces gets the better equipment.

    El paso started with mm at the begining of the rollout .. now as of recent they have gone back to those site a have added full 8t8r equipment.. also the last full nokia site is getting a rip and replace to Ericsson equipment.. also, all sites now are getting b26 should be turned on any month now .. Sprint is picking random tower to upgrade.. all the sites that have been touched.. Sprint still hasn't upgrade the mall tower still b25 only and a few other higher traffic areas still b25 only for now


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  9. Sprint gives very little actual detail during their calls anymore.    Very different than T-Mobiles earnings call just a few hours ago.     
    I think the decent financials are bad from a merger standpoint.   It will allow those who are just interested in maintaining 4 carriers more ammunition for keeping the status quo.      Wonder what John  Legere's "Industry shaking news" is on Aug 15th?   He said "Let the speculation begin"....    Maybe the roaming agreement?   I don't think I'd call that "industry shaking"...   probably something else.     
    It will more then likely be the introduction of their layer 3 tv service

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  10. No I'm talking about a very specific part of a specific state, which neither carrier currently natively serves. Please take a second and go back and read the post, because the last words you left off are very important. " If the merger goes through, that will switch over to T-Mobile's roaming deal with Viaero." Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with Sprint and T-Mobile's separate roaming deal, which almost certainly covers only T-Mobile native coverage.
    That roaming has been up since end of April 2016 I believe started with att first then TMO after .. I gotta check with some sources, but I believe tmo will soon light up native coverage

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  11. Sprint will show a higher churn as people's promotions ended this year from the 50% offer.. I do see Sprint adding postpaid, but not that much ..

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