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Posts posted by ahecht

  1. Could finally publically announce the official killing off of subsidies march 14. Though Im feeling that it will be a bad loss of subscribers from churn.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Has there been any more news on that? Will it be like when they killed off Sprint Premier where current subscribers get one last upgrade after the deadline, or will it just be "sucks to be you" for subscribers with renewal dates after the 14th?

  2. This is interesting, but I think the potential downside to changing billing addresses in order to combine existing accounts into one Framily group is the possibility of one of the separately liable accounts going into default. At that point, collections may try to seek restitution from anyone at that address. So, I would be careful with how this is used to form Framily groups.



    What's to stop you from changing the address back after you are in the framily? Also, collections cannot legally seek restitution from others at the same address unless they are cosigners. You can sue them for harassment and violation of the FDCPA if they do (this comes from someone living in an apartment previously occupied by deadbeats).

  3. I discovered I misunderstood the idea of separate bills...they need to be on different accounts. So now I have 7 lines on one account, and 3 of them belong to my grandparents who pay their own bill. This will probably be initially frustrating, but we are saving $100 a month on our 4 lines and my grandparents $35 on their 3. So it is worth it!


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk

    You should be able to do a ToL to get them on their own account again.

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  4. I am working on a DIY cellular add-on to a remote car starter (using the remote starter's AUX port connected via Arduino to my phone's headphone jack), and the idea was to have Tasker running on my old Sprint HTC Hero that would trigger the starter when it got a text message from me with a certain keyword.


    The question is: what is the cheapest way to get my Sprint Hero to receive texts? I don't care about minutes or data, and I'd be looking at a max of 50 or so texts a month. Before anyone suggests FreedomPop, they don't support the Hero yet.

  5. I just read that the 32gb N5 will not be allowed on TEP at Sprint.  What are people doing for insurance? None?


    I've always used squaretrade for my phones. With their regular 30% off coupons it's under $100. While that made sense for a $600 phone, I'm not sure I'd get it on a $400 phone (especially since Squaretrade raised their deductable to $99 on all claims, instead of $49 on accidental damage claims only).


    Whatever you do, don't get the Best Buy plan. The warranty is $200 and there is a $150 claim for anything not covered by the manufacturer's warranty. If you even use the plan it would cost $350, which is the price of a brand new phone!

  6. I just got a new or refurbished EVO from Sprint , after waiting 8 days due to a back order issue. The new devices screen want auto rotate and yes my settings are set correctly, is there anything I can do, other than waiting on another week for a new device?

    If a hard reset won't fix it then the accelerometer is bad.


    Note that Sense won't let you rotate the Launcher, but apps like chrome should rotate.

  7. My local tower  has had LTE for a while now, but I've had trouble connecting for a few weeks so I took a trek down to the tower. The top panels with all the RUUs are typical ALU NV panels that have been there for a while, but the three smaller panels below them are definitely new. Any idea what they are?
    (Sorry for the crappy picture, I will have to get down there with a real camera soon.)

  8. Just got my galaxy s4. I tried to do it online using the activate new phone link but it said I needed to change plan so I used echat instead. Got my phone activated and still on sero-p 500. Loving the new phone and it picked up LTE for 3 minutes when I was in backyard.

    I've never been able to activate a phone online, even when it's just an ESN swap, on my SERO lines.

  9. Just make sure you go through a corporate store and not a third party retailer(bestbuy, radioshack, sam's club, etc).

    In my experience, even corporate stores won't touch SERO plans. I haven't had any problems recently ordering new phones on my old SERO lines through sprint.com. You just ignore the "plan change" notice and call in to activate when the phone arrives.

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  10. Question of this whole WiMAX, do you think Sprint is going to allow their customers who have a WiMAX phone to upgrade without extending their contact for another two years for a LTE device?


    Sprint changes their Terms of Service on May 22nd, 2013 to allow them to force migrate customers from WiMAX to LTE. Customers can either [a] finish out their contract on 3g only, get a free LTE device without extending their contract, or [c] cancel without an ETF. This only applies to new contracts started after that date.


    New Agreements on the Sprint 4G (WiMAX) Network: Your Service on a device activated on the Sprint 4G (WiMAX) Network may require a new one or two-year Agreement per line. Sprint expressly reserves the right to migrate your Service during this Agreement term from the Sprint 4G (WiMAX) Network to the Sprint 4G LTE network to complete your Agreement term. Reasonable advance notice of the Service change will be provided to impacted customers, who can then select one of the following options: [a] Choose to complete the Agreement term using your existing device without 4G (WiMAX) capability Elect to complete the Agreement term by contacting us after receiving notice from Sprint to transition to the Sprint 4G LTE network with no additional term commitment required (Transition Option)[c] Deactivate service. Deactivations because of this Service change will not result in an Early Termination Fee (ETF). Transition Option: If you select the Transition Option, you will receive a free standard Sprint LTE capable device and can maintain your existing Service plan, if available. During the Agreement term, Sprint may provide other offers that are separate from the Transition Option, and these offers will be subject to a new two-year Agreement per line.
  11. The biggest problem is that when I do get 4g bars - Data is blocked. I can make a call (mostly) and SMS but no internet. 18 months ago, the same thing happened with wimax. But with my EVO3D I could switch 4G(wimax) off and go with 3g and 2g. It was frustrating that sprint wouldn't acknowledge it. They sent me to the store to get the phone checked out. I called the store to verify my appt, the guy said "Oh we don't take appts" (even though CS sets them up) then the guy said that there was at least 50 people waiting and it was definitely an outage. Eventually a clearwire employee at a forum said they found the problem and fixed it. My S4 won't toggle off 4G, so i'm blocked (right now) :angry:


    Clearwire has nothing to do with the 4G on your S4. The S2 was the last Samsung WiMax phone.

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