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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. When they turn on carrier aggregation some time down the road will the phones have to have multiple radios or can it be done with just one?
  2. I thought Lilg740 would be posting N5 update by now. Maybe he is the type that reads the manual.
  3. Yup I haven't heard of LTE 800 anywhere yet. Soon I hope.
  4. Different animal, 2600 peak speeds can be well over what you can get on 800/1900. Speeds on 800 LTE have the same peak speed limit as 1900, but 800 will often have a better signal than 1900 and will be far less crowded for the near future so I expect much better average speed on it than 1900.
  5. I think I read it's possible to turn ART on on the N5. You have to do a lot. http://www.geek.com/android/work-of-art-testing-out-android-runtime-on-the-nexus-5-1577351/ < nothing to see here, move along >
  6. DaQue

    4 RRU sites

    I guess I understood how the panels were set up wrong. I thought there were 2 1900 antennas one for CDMA and one for LTE and a third antenna for 800. There are only 3 motors to control downtilt, you can see them in the pictures, and there are 6 antenna coax hookups. 2 pairs marked for 1900 + and -, and one pair for 800 + and -.
  7. I screwed up again sorry. I mean light blue, its just in progress. Maybe I should go back to just 2 antidepressants a day,.
  8. DaQue

    4 RRU sites

    Thanks. I wonder if they could do another LTE carrier with just the one LTE RRU. I think I read they could add a card to the base equipment for it but don't remember if the RRU is up to it. It won't matter much once 800 or 2600 LTE is up and spark tastic but right now I think a few places the LTE is a bit crowded at the moment. They just put up the RRUs 4 per panel that I can see from my apartment door yesterday. I guess I lucked out 3 g wise.
  9. Great read. I was wondering what the difference in CFSB and eCFSB was.
  10. As I understand it high capacity sites get 4 RRUs per panel and the other sites get 3. Does this mean those with 4 use another 5 mhz carrier and is that outside of the G block?
  11. Lilg740 pointed me to pointers for using Flickr. Guess the pin can get a yellow paint job now. Just noticed 4 RRUs/panel. I guess its a high capacity site. Will help with the 0.12 download speed I'm getting if I turn off WiFi for some reason.
  12. I read that the Nexus needs a software update to get on band 41. I have heard G2 people have changed settings and get it but not so much on the N5. The update is due early next year for the Nexus 5 and LG G2. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4989-lg-google-nexus-5-users-thread/?p=238753
  13. Hmm little green light blinking on and off on just one of the new rrus on the site right by me. I guess that's good. < nothing to see here, move along >
  14. Well they announce they were dropping it to developers back on June 15 2012. Yesterday I tried to use it and I could only share to individuals or groups. Copying the link didn't work for me posting here anymore. Lets see if its working again. Below is the picture I have up on Flicker from the share link to a copy on Dropbox.. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dlrsmwzht6fwanz/home2.jpg
  15. Anyone know if Spectrum is a sub contractor doing work for Ericsson? I saw a funny parked white pickup truck at the Zumbel/70 site. I couldn't see the worker(s) behind the fence around the billboard so it may just be a billboard company guy. Also I got a better picture of the Truman/70 site from just outside my apartment. Its the first time I have seen 3 guys working on panels at the same time around here. Hope its good enough to put the pin to in progress.
  16. Don't use Dropbox they stopped public folders. I just use Flickr now.
  17. What exactly does the 3 carrier aggregation mean in the picture? Is it downloading on 800/1900/2600 all at once?
  18. I'm not questioning this but I thought one of the Spark pages on here showing what it was called out 3 carrier aggregation. I took that to be 3 bands. Like most things lately I guess I miss understood.
  19. I get that some times too, but sometimes the 3G is 0.1 Mbps and the LTE is 1 so its still faster. Most places with LTE however area lot faster than it was a year ago for me. I wish I knew why places are still so slow, but the market isn't launched here so I really can't complain.
  20. The site 100 yards from where I park every night is in progress now. Thw batteries in the Fujifilm are dead so I had to use the phone but you can see alt least 2 panels with RRUs on the tower with the naked eye. Only one on the left shows up in the photo. I switched to Flickr, Dropbox would let me public share now. SCI Engineering/ Point W Blvd City: St. Charles, MO
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