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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. I'm sure there is truth in his reports. What I question though is why he didn't do these exhaustive tests on at&t and VZW's LTE networks a month after their respective launches...or if he did, where are those reports? Around the time when he compiled the data for his report, VZW had had LTE launched for over a year and a half. At&t had had LTE deployed for a year. Not to mention both of those networks are using 700MHz spectrum. Yet he feels the need to compare Sprint's nascent PCS LTE network to these established LTE networks. Yeah, there seems to be some kind of ex-employee motive there imo....
  2. Yep, EVDO rev. C also known as UMB. Qualcomm probably killed it off when VZW announced that they were going with LTE. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Plenty of MetroPCS/t-mobile/Sprint merger news & discussion here already: http://s4gru.com/ind..._220#entry54284
  4. No, I don't unfortunately. Alltel is part of ATNI as Fraydog mentions. If and when ATNI is sold, someone is going to have a small smorgasbord of a network: http://www.atni.com/network.html
  5. Perhaps that should be Pahrump's new slogan to attract visitors...
  6. Ah, I see your point. I suppose that only makes sense that the FCC would only test for frequencies licensed for use in the US. Thanks! BTW do the FCC docs offer any clue as to whether the SIM is removable or not?
  7. Depends on what your definition of "overseas" is. By only having dual band (850/1900) GSM/GPRS/EDGE and single band (1900) W-CDMA/HSPA, this phone is still basically limited to North, Central and South America. In most of Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania the GSM/W-CDMA capabilities of this phone will be useless. If the goal was to make this a world phone, I'm curious as to why they didn't go with quad band GSM/GPRS/EDGE and at least tri-band W-CDMA. Very odd specs on this phone.
  8. It would be nice if at&t and Verizon were barred from participating in the H block auction. If t-mobile acquires metroPCS, they probably should be barred too. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Yes that's a safe assumption. However, for now there's nothing wrong with sticking with 1x advanced for voice. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  10. Yeah there was some discussion of that study here: http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2210-Sprint-engineering-study Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Interesting development. May have nothing to do with this deal, may have everything... Back in August it was reported that Sprint's top merger and acquisition executive was leaving the company September 30, 2012 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443991704577577492797892110.html Now today it's announced that he's staying on until January 2, 2013. http://biz.yahoo.com/e/121004/s8-k_a.html Now the reason for extending Cowan's stay seems perfectly plausible and innocuous on the surface, but it makes one wonder...
  12. And it's also already being discussed in the T-Mobile/MetroPCS merger thread.
  13. I'm pretty sure Qwest was also CDMA.
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