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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Well as you mention, it's a contract so I imagine that Sprint will honor it to the end regardless of whether they get a cash infusion from SoftBank. If not, I'm sure they'd be some kind of ETF involved...and I'm sure that it'd be more than $350.
  2. Eh...T-Mobile is owned by a German company. Verizon wireless is 45% owned by Vodafone, a British company. NTT DoMoCo at one point made a substantial investment in at&t. This is just the reality of a global economy i suppose. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Hell's kitchen Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  4. In this political and economic climate i don't know if any association with the word bank, whether real or imagined, is such a good idea. I know Son really likes his SoftBank brand, but i think it could wreak havoc with us easily confused Americans. I can picture it already: 'if they're not a bank, why are they calling themselves one?' 'What the hell is a "Soft" Bank anyway?' They could shorten it to SB Wireless or SB Mobility and that probably would go over ok.
  5. Absolutely NOT! Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Ok, but why? These days Nextel is generally considered to be a failed brand. What benefits do you envision in trying to revive the name?
  7. Yeah I'd tend to agree. People can place the blame wherever they see fit, but whatever brand equity the name "Nextel" had has long since faded into oblivion.
  8. Just my $.02, but if you're definitely going to leave, the Straight Talk option sounds a lot more attractive for the price.
  9. Yes, you would certainly need addition cell sites to fill in, but nearly 39K sites would be an impressive opening salvo. It doesn't make sense right now because though Sprint is the majority holder in Clearwire, they remain two separate companies, with two goals that aren't 100% aligned. If ownership were consolidated, with one goal and vision, there should be some synergies there and as mentioned they're going to be touching every cell site anyway, so why not?
  10. Well an investment by Softbank doesn't alter Sprint/Clearwire's spectrum position at all. Like everyone else, they'll eventually need more. That leads me to think that even if this does go through, there may be an additional play(s) down the road.
  11. Meh...it may be an over generalization on my part, but what markets well to Japanese audiences typically doesn't to American audiences.
  12. I think it would be great for Sprint and Clearwire to be under the same roof, so to speak. Get everybody on the same page and turn things from combative to cooperative. Why not nationwide though? If Softbank thinks that with Sprint and Clearwire's combined spectrum that they can effectively take on at&t and VZW, what if they were to come in and say, "The way you're proceeding is silly with two separate buildouts. In addition to any stand-alone Clearwire sites, let's also throw 2.5GHz TD-LTE on all of the nearly 39K Sprint sites that are already getting a truck roll due to Network Vision anyway." That could be be a game changer imo.
  13. Great post. I've thought for a while that a name change could be in order. There may just be too much negative inertia associated with the name "Sprint". The Softbank name wouldn't fly here I don't think, but something snazzy all new could be just what the doctor ordered. This could be that "sugar daddy" that you've been advocating for, for a while now.
  14. I believe that our resident RF expert was being facetious while making a Pearl Harbor reference.
  15. I doubt it. How could Verizon say anything when VZW is 45% owned by Vodafone? T-Mobile (and soon possibly MetroPCS) is owned by a German corporation. I don't see how they could object. Now if this were China Mobile instead of SoftBank, that might be a different story...
  16. http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/10/11/softbank-of-japan-said-to-near-a-deal-for-control-of-sprint/
  17. No need. There's already been a thread started in the General Topics forum. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. As I recall, SK Telecom wanted to install Tim Donahue (formerly of Nextel) in as CEO. Apparently that was a non-starter to Sprint's board for one reason or another.
  19. They (Softbank) appear to want Clearwire as well. Would line up nicely with their 2.5GHz TD-LTE network in Japan I suppose: http://finance.yahoo...-122013793.html
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