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Blog Comments posted by lilotimz


    Actually our initial speculation was that was the device. 


    Thing is in Japan the flagships are released literally every 6 months so there will probably be a successor to the crystal soon enough anyways that Sprint may get.


    I believe the plan for Sprint and Softbank is to utilize their combined synergies along with Brightstar to acquire unique devices for Sprint. Sony and Sharp and possibly Fujitsu will probably be the major ones in the coming years as they try to break out of the Japanese market into the NA market. 


    Exciting times. 

  2. I was really hoping for a high end Sharp phone...  This is disappointing that we get the gimped model.


    That 1920x1080, IP57, 2.x GHz model looks far more desirable and I probably would buy it as my next phone.


    There's a high chance they will have a high end Sharp phone in the future as well. I doubt they'll bring the crystal X to america as it'll be quite dated in the sea of 805s and 2 carrier aggregation devices that will be popping up in the fall and winter of this year. 


    This is only just the beginning. 

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  3. Perhaps you should add, for the people who don't know, that the three FITs are in the three different NV vendors areas so that they can insure interoperability between them during the FIT stage. Otherwise, outstanding article, you're fire NBA Jam style.


    4 actually since Kansas has Ericsson and Nokia. 

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  4. I am interested in becoming a sponsor, but wondering exactly what the maps look like and what information they contain. Is the information directly from Sprint (what towers have what, etc.) or are they wholly contingent on people reporting what equipment they see on towers and when they see people working on towers?

    Exact GPS coordinates of 38000+ towers.
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