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Everything posted by fawnhawk789

  1. Just noticed some purple on Sensorly east of I-94 and 23 mile road between Chesterfield and New Baltimore.
  2. So what you expecting a press release every time a tower comes online. It would be foolish of Sprint to update the customer base any sonner than such time as fair amount of customers are able to use the service. Last I checked Sprint has been updating the Nation once a market is about half completed. So I agree with the previous poster.
  3. Thank you Robert for the response. I am just very excited about having some type of 4g soon. I got my first 4g Wimax device with the original Evo in the Phoenix Market, then went to the Evo touch and Galaxy 1, 2 Epic, and now Galaxy 3. So, as you can see have been waiting for a long time to have 4g. The time only I was ever able to us 4g with Sprint was in Vegas 2011 on WiMax during my wedding.
  4. Robert, How long do you think it will take to spread. Are there other sites ready for inspection?
  5. I think Sprint is doing the best that they can. What they should do is better communication with their customers.
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