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Everything posted by RedSpark

  1. Agreed. T-Mobile knows how to execute network integrations pretty well. I’m looking forward to T-Mobile putting some real capex behind these spectrum holdings. Both networks are getting what sounds like a top to bottom review, site by site, and T-Mobile will be able to pick and choose the best site placements and equipment to have on each. It’s going to be a killer network. Verizon and AT&T have every reason to be worried.
  2. I’m sure both companies have done as much prep work as possible before the “go” date. Given T-Mobile’s handling of the MetroPCS integration, this should go pretty quickly and smoothly.
  3. There’s been no official word. I’d imagine they’d want to keep him for the integration phase because of his knowledge of Sprint’s network and expertise with 2.5 GHz spectrum.
  4. In reading the Press Release, California forced some incredible concessions by “New T-Mobile”. What they’ve effectively done is ensured that New T-Mobile will have a substantial price increase in 3-5 years to make up the difference.
  5. Only so much you can do when you have a substantial disparity like that.
  6. I’m glad to hear that. Hopefully this continues. However, there are too many places I’ve been in DC where Sprint’s indoor coverage is totally inadequate. I have to attribute that to Sprint’s relative lack of lowband spectrum vs the other carriers and not having enough cell sites.
  7. This also helps to sell the narrative that the merger is “necessary”. Can’t have Sprint looking too good now you know. This merger is only “necessary” because Masa wouldn’t open his wallet to put Sprint on a competitive footing after he acquired it. You have to give credit to Marcelo and the PR folks. They really sold a story that Sprint wasn’t salvageable and that a Merger was the only way home. Somehow they were able to shroud the fact that Sprint was merely a part of Masa’s vast asset holdings. Hey, it’s what they get paid to do.
  8. I hope Sprint’s upgrades now aren’t about just keeping the lights on and doing the bare minimum until the Merger. Saw’s reply to Sascha’s Tweet gives me that feeling however. At this point, I can’t wait for T-Mobile to take over, enable roaming and finally put some capex into the combined spectrum holdings. This has gone on long enough. I didn’t use to feel like this, but now I do.
  9. I’m hoping roaming access to 600 MHz LTE improves indoor coverage on my iPhone 11 Pro. Sprint’s 800 MHz is simply non-existent at my worksite in downtown DC. I pick up 3 sites of barely useable Band 25.
  10. I wonder when T-Mobile will turn on roaming for 5G. You’ll be able to pick up 5G on 600 MHz and on Millimeter Wave too since you got the Ultra (also supported on the Plus model as well).
  11. Am I reading this wrong or is Dr. Saw saying that Sprint isn’t going to launch additional 5G cities beyond the 10 launched so far until the Merger is consummated?
  12. One of the reasons Sprint is in its current predicament is that not enough “free year” or kickstart customers upgraded to higher tiers of service. Instead they churned out In droves, which cost Sprint a lot of money over the years. You can’t offer everything at each service plan level. Not offering 5G on the cheapest service plan is simply plan differentiation.
  13. That’s a good question. Legacy plans such as Unlimited Freedom and Everything Data Share are also eligible for 5G.
  14. Sprint is now offering 5G access across all of its unlimited service plans. That's a change from when Sprint first launched 5G last year; the service was restricted to its most expensive unlimited plan at that time. How about that...
  15. It’s simply incredible isn’t it? I wonder who the Sprint “source” is in the article. “Our government affairs team made it very clear at the time it was the wrong move,” a former high-ranking Sprint executive with direct knowledge of the talks said. “It never occurred to us that he would not listen.” If I had to guess who the source is here, I’ll bet it’s Kevin Crull: https://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/news/2018/12/06/sprint-crull-chief-strategy-officer-leaves.html People talk about Nextel being a business failure case study. This should be as well.
  16. Then Masa can ride that train off the rails as far as I’m concerned. I hope he loses every penny possible until the deal closes.
  17. I believe Masa and Marcelo’s combined incompetence and arrogance managing Sprint post-acquisition rivals Gary Forsee’s during Nextel. There, I said it. At this point, I’m for the merger to close quickly so I get better coverage. I’ve now crossed that inflection point because it’s abundantly clear to me that that Masa and Marcelo had no intention of and still have no intention of making the changes or investments necessary to make Sprint competitive.
  18. T-Mobile Parent Is Said to Seek New Terms for Sprint Deal “The German carrier, the majority owner of T-Mobile, is seeking a lower price because Sprint’s shares have been trading below their level when the deal was proposed in 2018, said the people, who asked not to be identified as the deliberations are private.”
  19. Amazing backstory... Masa’s arrogance was simply astounding.
  20. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/sprint-surges-60-t-mobile-up-10-after-hours-on-report-merger-will-be-approved-2020-02-10 Up 60% 😮
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