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Everything posted by Trip

  1. No worries, I understand why you want to keep it small. But you know what they say, if you don't ask, you can't get a positive answer. I know it will be worth the wait, I'm just champing at the bit to get it! Any chance of screenshots showing new functionality maybe? - Trip
  2. How long does a version typically stay in beta before public release? More to the point, assuming no major issues, when will us non-tester folks get a hold of it? - Trip
  3. I'd love to try out the beta here in the DC/Northern Virginia area and let you know how B41 ID works. - Trip
  4. If you search by zip code for 20554 (where I work), does it show you black or color? I'm trying to figure out how two different browsers at home and at work (Internet Explorer is refusing to load the page at all) can all show me black at the default zoom level but nobody else sees it. - Trip
  5. All I see in my area is black in both Chrome and Firefox, and it's amazingly slow and failing to load pieces. Anyone else having these problems? - Trip
  6. I had been using ##33284# to get that engineering data, but I just found *#0011# and took a new set here at work. On this one, it looks like the TAC gets cut off--two characters worth. - Trip
  7. Danial, I also noticed that, at least here in the DC area, the TAC numbers are in a different range for Band 41 versus Band 25/26. I attempted to attach my log from SignalCheck Pro but CSV is not a permitted file type here. But even in the pictures you can see the Band 26 one has a 4-digit TAC as opposed to the three Band 41 ones with the 5-digit TAC. - Trip
  8. I saw this message before I left for work this morning and here's what I see at three places on my way into work, and finally, at work. Not sure if this is helpful. - Trip
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