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Everything posted by Trip

  1. You beat me to it. I saw that article and came here to say the same thing. For the non-initiated, my analogy was going to be: "Newest Ferraris have been shown to do up to 200MPH on a racetrack. But average speeds of the latest Honda cars in the real world are only 40MPH! Honda is doomed!" - Trip
  2. I'm trying to puzzle something out about the Extended LTE thing Sprint is doing with US Cellular these days. Maybe someone here has a better idea. My mom wants a smart phone for Christmas. My parents, many of you may recall, live in US Cellular territory, which is the primary reason I am a Sprint customer, since service in that area is important. Both are retired. Now that Sprint has this Extended LTE thing going, I'm trying to figure out if I could put my mom on my Sprint unlimited family plan or if that would be a problem. It's similar to the problem that I have going there; everything is theoretically fine if she's out and about in Farmville/Appomattox/Lynchburg/South Boston where Shentel or Sprint would have native service, and at home, the wifi works more often than not these days (it's improved in the past year). The real issue will be those times when the home Internet is out, or if she is in the county (library, post office, traveling to and from aforementioned cities, etc.) where service would be coming from US Cellular. Does anyone have a sense of whether or not that would cause a problem? I can't find a policy for Sprint indicating what limits, if any, there are on the Extended LTE. Thanks. - Trip
  3. In the part of the country that I'm in, I have compiled my own tower map which has all the carriers, to the extent I could determine from afar. It's in the Premiere Sponsor area. Won't help you guys in the Midwest, though... - Trip
  4. Interesting note, when I left to visit my parents in US Cellular roaming territory on Thursday, my US Cellular phone was roaming on Sprint and Shentel LTE. On the way home yesterday, it instead roamed on T-Mobile LTE, and still is, but is also doing SRLTE with Sprint 1X. I tried to disable the T-Mobile bands and force it onto Band 25 and it would not connect. Very odd, especially considering that I still haven't seen my T-Mobile phone roam onto US Cellular. - Trip
  5. I went by a 3G-only site over the weekend that has a permit filed. Still 3G. (Checked this morning and the permit isn't granted yet for some reason.) Got my fingers crossed; it's one of the very last ones in the area. I'm incredibly pleased about US Cellular no longer counting as roaming, assuming that's true. That makes me significantly less likely to want to jump to T-Mobile if they ever get US Cellular roaming working. - Trip
  6. Got a system update this morning after a very long time without one. Software is now LS992ZVC, bringing it to the 9/1/17 patch level. Still Android 7.0. Anything else I should check? - Trip
  7. Not sure about "newest" but I definitely got a quick charger with my G5. I use it regularly and my phone charges quite quickly. - Trip
  8. This isn't really iPhone specific, but the iPhone announcement did make me think of it. Do these devices that use facial recognition, do you also need a PIN to access the device? If not, I would never, ever use this technology. The only thing stopping a police officer from an illegal search is... well, nothing. They hold the phone up to your face and the phone unlocks itself. - Trip
  9. Because nothing says "bad for America" like locally-owned small businesses that can respond to local customer needs, right? I don't understand why you desperately want gigantic companies who run roughshod over consumers to grow ever larger and more able to run roughshod over consumers. While complaining that they run roughshod over consumers, no less. - Trip
  10. You can click on the date or the time underneath the name of the most recent poster and it'll take you there. - Trip
  11. If you click the little dot or star to the left of the thread, it will take you to the first unread post. I do that on every forum I visit because different software has been inconsistent about what happens when you click the title itself. - Trip
  12. In the areas I'm familiar with, they use microwave backhaul for many of their sites. Certainly doesn't surprise me that they could use T1 lines or whatever else they're able to get at some of their sites. - Trip
  13. No, the platinum one. After I got home, later in the evening, I tried again and it worked. So strange. - Trip
  14. It wasn't just the G6 that was missing though. Lots of phones were missing from the displays for all the carriers. It was kind of... odd. Made me wary of the whole store. - Trip
  15. I decided against it. It suddenly occurred to me that now that work has moved to having an RSA "Soft Token" on my phone, which I just had done this week, I'd have to have it done again, and I'd likely be without access to work e-mail over the weekend. But, despite that, I went to the store and decided that I'd look and see it in person and then make a final decision. Got there and not only was the G6 missing from the Sprint display, it was also missing from the AT&T display, and the Sprint display did not have the sale price on it. So, I turned around and left. - Trip
  16. Maybe I'll just show up at the store and plan to spend a while there. - Trip
  17. I paid my phone off in full when I bought it, so the day after I got it, it said I was upgrade eligible. - Trip
  18. The Best Buy site keeps telling me that my information doesn't match my Sprint records. I reset my PIN just in case, but it's still telling me that something's wrong. I'm guessing if I went into the store, they'd have the same issue? I was hoping to reserve it and then go in to pick it up this evening. - Trip
  19. How does that work? Can I not pay the $5/month ($120 total) in a lump up front? Or after the first month? (Considering it since my power button doesn't work anymore.) - Trip
  20. I'm in the DC market and haven't heard anything either. - Trip
  21. IIRC, when I was in Savannah in March, there was no B41 at all. The network performed well enough for my uses (except at the hotel in Richmond Hill), but there was definite room for improvement. - Trip
  22. For how long? Mine will sometimes take up to 30 or 45 seconds to get the signal back if it loses it because I'm in a Metro tunnel or something, and it looks just like that. (I usually toggle Airplane Mode to get it back in a hurry, though it can still take 10-15 seconds after that.) - Trip
  23. I'll put it like this. KEFN-CD, currently on channel 49, improperly filed a request to change channel way too early in the process. It was "pursuant to an agreement with a wireless carrier to transition early". Here is the filing before they corrected it to the assigned channel: https://enterpriseefiling.fcc.gov/dataentry/public/tv/draftCopy.html?displayType=html&appKey=25076f915cef73c3015d1d9ce2c932ff&id=25076f915cef73c3015d1d9ce2c932ff&goBack=N The PDF attachments at the bottom tell the tale; the FCC's filing system didn't let them specify an alternate channel in the form itself. - Trip
  24. So, my power button has gradually been working less and less and has gotten to the point where it barely works. I'm mildly concerned that if I turn it off, I won't be able to turn it back on. Is anyone else experiencing similar behavior? - Trip
  25. Mike, In the change log, you mention this: Added feature to add current location to a site note. I just now found it, having thought it meant something else. But my first attempt at using it, sitting here in my office at work, said "Location unavailable!" even though I have GPS coordinates shown at the top of my screen. (The GPS is not currently locked, however, since I'm indoors.) Not sure there's a bug here, but wanted to point it out. - Trip
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