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Posts posted by mc_gusto

  1. I've been wanting a projector for the longest and this device may just break my uncanny excuse for holding off buying one, as well as break my bank. lol


    Too bad it doesn't have a hdmi input port so one can attach Chromecast to it. But every thing else seems perfect. not bad for $450 or $18.75 on EasyPay. Since I already have a hotspot as well as the one on my phone so i won't need a data plan.

    I wonder who among us will be the first to get it and review it.



    The hdmi is output? That seems kinda backwards thinking on their part.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


    Nobody had brought that up; what exactly are you looking to disable? WiFi Calling has proven to be kind of difficult to deal with so far, because Android doesn't seem to have anything that reports anything about it. But I'll try doing whatever I can.



    Just wondering if scp can automatically disable it's own notification when wifi calling is enabled. Because since all other radios are disabled, the scp notification (and the system signal bars) are kinda useless and taking up status bar real estate. Wifi calling already adds another status bar icon that's kinda unnecessary. I wish they could've incorporated the wifi calling icon with the wifi icon.




    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  3. Like this? If so then yes. Its for 911

    attachicon.gif Screenshot_2014-07-05-23-21-14.png

    I figured as much. Just wish they could've combined the wifi icon with the wifi calling icon. Cause if you have calling, you have wifi. Seems like a waste of status bar real estate.


    And I just realized my other question was dumb. If I have wifi I don't have the need for lte only mode.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  4. Finally got echat to Reprovision my s5. Now it works. Does the notification always ask about updating location settings? And if I'm in lte only mode does wifi calling still work?


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  5. Yeah I enabled it. But i think it's not enabled on the network side. Just a placeholder setting/icon. Doesn't seem to do anything no matter how large a file I try to download.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  6. This a great news considering tri-band LTE devices will now have access to band 41 LTE in the city.

    Band 41? ill just be ecstatic to connect to band 25 lte again!! (without putting it in lte only mode)


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  7. That's actually a very interesting setup. I had to get some help in the lounge from lilotimz and the guys to help figure it out.


    Looks like they hooked up the legacy PCS transmitters to the new antenna. The RRU is only partially hooked up. Looks like everything is ready and they would just hot swap the coax lines to hook up the antenna when they're ready to cluster launch.

    I'll post the address in your other post if you want to check it out yourself and take better pics maybe.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  8. At this stage they're GMO'ing the hell out of everything to get stuff cluster launched for 3G and swapping to full builds when they can so you may not see progress on the actual cell site itself but the cabinet and radios and other equipment may be sitting inside the leased area away from prying eyes.

    They are? Was this confirmed? That's good news, I'm all for it. I wish they gmo'd everything sooner. I remember a( long long) while back in this thread we wondered if Berkeley was gonna go the GMO route. Who knew it would be SF to go that route.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  9. Probably just 3G accepting the cluster. Exciting, but hardly groundbreaking. Typically 1 data speed upgrade is 3G and two data speed upgrades are LTE.

    You were right it was a cluster launch! This is huge! All of Western sf is now cluster launched.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

  10. Probably just 3G accepting the cluster. Exciting, but hardly groundbreaking. Typically 1 data speed upgrade is 3G and two data speed upgrades are LTE.

    Thanks! It'll be interesting with sf. A 3g cluster launch would be groudbreaking. It would fix ecsfb issues. Cause most of those single data speed upgrades are 4G only and cripple most triband phones.


    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

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