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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. I dont know. Doing aggregation with b41 is kind of pointless on New Tmobile. B4, B66 B12, B2, B25, B71 is plenty. I would save B41 for 5G. Not to mention they want to shut down CDMA fast so that extra spectrum would also be used.

    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk

    Yeah I know. The more spectrum the better considering TMobile will have around 130 customers out of this. In my area the total holdings are 20x20 4 with MFBI 66 20x20+10x10 B2/25 5x5 B25 5x5 B12 15x15 B71 then whatever Sprint holds for B41. I don't know if they plan to use B41 for LTE at the start then shut it down when the 5G capacity is needed.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  2. Even that wont save the upload nationwide. In places where its 2xCA 5mhz b25 the difference should be small compared to 1-2 upload on b41.


    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk


    Yeah most but not all metros have 10x10 just wish more did to. Mine can't until CDMA is gone. Under TMO they can do 20x20. So under TMobile the upload would be great. That's if they do 25+41+41


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




  3. For 5G it would have to be a Massive MIMO site I believe, but otherwise you’re right: They probably speed tested the other carriers here to do this.
    Fine Print probably says “does not include upload”.
    Sprint now has about 3,000 Massive MIMO sites deployed, which gives us a good idea of their 5G footprint. They’re going to need a lot more than this though.
    Yeah unless they were doing 25+41 ca I'm sure upload isn't included

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  4. Hi Everyone.  With the carrier merger agreement pending, I wanted to see what you guys think for us using the 800 MHZ band.  How will Sprint users be affected by the Dish purchase of Sprint's 800 MHZ as it will be pulled away I expect reasonably soon.  I am wondering once the merger deal is finalized and Sprint has to relinquish their 800 band, will that mean "so long" to broad ranging LTE coverage using a fairly new legacy Sprint phone?  Thanks. 
    Every Sprint phone from 2015 on has B12 which helps with T-Mobile coverage.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  5. I'm not sure if its 100% true VoLTE or not, but here is what I see looking through my phone. I turned on the LTE calling option under Settings -> Connections -> Voice Menu
    From the Radio Info menu:
    During a call: 
    Comparison to my AT&T phone on VoLTE call:
    Yeah that's calling plus. I never had that option. Is that a att model or the factory unlocked model?

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  6. Ported my unlocked S9+ to Sprint tonight from Verizon. VoLTE (LTE Calling) seems to be working good here so far. I left back before any of the T-Mo network roaming started last year so it'll be interesting to see how well that works around here. Definitely seems better than when I left based on what I've seen so far.
    VOLTE is working on the S9+? I left Sprint over that

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk


    You guys are too much!   A little B26 goes bye-bye for a bunch of 600mhz.  And Sprint gets to keep 800 for 3 more years... are you really going to miss it that much?!      Way more useful and a lot more of it considering they can use some or all of Dish's 600 holdings as well as their own.     I'd say a divestiture was a foregone conclusion, but if that's all they had to give up (spectrum-wise) I'd say it was a great deal!     

    I know what TMO has for B71. Just sucks to not have both. Especially in areas with no band 12 and for people whose phones don't have B71 but do have 26


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




  8. I think it's unfortunate that the combined company is divesting 800. Having 5x5 L800 and 5x5 L700 would probably allow the combined company to use their 600 holdings exclusively for NR.
    Additionally, Sprint could add 800 radios to T-Mobile's new 600 equipment without an antenna swap. A diplexer+RRH is all they would need. 
    To bad they can't or won't do network sharing on B26 so TMobile and Dish can both use it

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  9. Everytime I put a Sprint sim into my router it roams on all available T-Mobile bands. If we still need confirmation of band 71 roaming I can try tonight but I might need to move my antenna. I have seen 2/66/5 no problem on a Sprint x.ispn sim in native coverage areas.
    You have seen B5?

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  10. Is it not reciprocal roaming


    In the same filing, T-Mobile CTO Neville Ray also provided some details on how T-Mobile plans to migrate Sprint customers to its network once the merger is approved. Ray said that it will move existing T-Mobile and Sprint customers to a common core network. That will require T-Mobile’s engineering team to bridge the two standalone core networks together.


    To do that, they will use a bridge technology called multi-operator core network (MOCN), which basically uses a virtual single core network to route services to the T-Mobile core.


    At the same time, T-Mobile engineers will increase the scale of T-Mobile’s core network to handle increased traffic created by the new Sprint customers.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Does that mean that customers from either can access TMO and Sprint Towers.


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




  11. Okay... so something to think about here... I have included an excerpt below,  from the T Mobile earnings call on Friday.   In it, it says that they will keep all of Sprint's "PCS" (1900) and 2.4G bands and gain access to some or all of Dish's 600 mhz.     Combined with T Mobile's existing 600, 1900 bands, how much "depth" will that give new T Mobile spectrum wise...   or (I'm not sure how to say this) but will it give them 20X20 1900 mhz nationwide or more etc and the same for 600?   Has anyone taken a look at this?   It could only mean really good things for all of us as far as capacity is concerned I would think....  Should help alleviate network congestion in some areas?
    Excerpt below:

    We also announced today that we have reached agreements with DISH to divest all of Sprint's prepaid businesses at close, including Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile and Sprint-branded prepaid customers, as well as Sprint's 800 megahertz spectrum licenses after a 3-year period for aggregate proceeds of $5 billion. Importantly, we are going to keep Sprint's entire 2.5 gigahertz and PCS spectrum, which is so important for fully realizing the 5G efficiencies promised by the merger.

    Additionally, upon the closing of the divestiture transaction, new T-Mobile will enter into commercial arrangements that will support the transferred prepaid customers and provide DISH wireless customers access to the new T-Mobile network for 7 years. DISH will also have an option to take on leases for certain cell sites and retail locations that are decommissioned by the new T-Mobile, and both parties agreed to discuss how we would get access to some or all of their 600 spectrum to use on our T-Mobile network.

    ...I might just say on that, too, Mike. DISH's press release and their filings were very comprehensive. So if you get a chance to look through those. One of the ways I look at this is if you look at the full utilization of the 2.5 that we're acquiring from Sprint as well as the unused spectrum of DISH, this is a great day for American networks. It'd be about 150 megahertz at least of spectrum that will now be put to use that, before these sets of agreements, were not going to be. And certainly, DISH's commitments, which have penalties associated with them, are a big part of it. So I'd read those filings and certainly, DISH can comment on those.

    Depends if the spectrum is contiguous some places it is. In my area they will have a full contiguous 30x30 TMO owns 20x20 A+D and Sprint 10x10 A block. So since TMobiles last 5x5 is on H+ that means B2 will go from 15x15 to 20x20. Then 2 5x5's after that.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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