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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. 100% agree. Data that doesn't work is the same as having no data coverage. I did see 26+25 aggregation here once. Haven't seen it since.

    Thats why I support the merger, Sprint doesn't have any other low band spectrum even 5x5 isn't enough. In most markets vzw is 10x10 B5 10x10 B13 over the whole country, att has 10x10 B14 available over the whole country, 10x10 B5 in most and 10x10 with a small amount of 5x5 for B12. TMobile might only have 5x5 B12 with couple 10x10 locations and 10x10 in Myrtle Beach SC on B5 but have between 10x10-20x20 on B71 over the whole country. Sprint is just 5x5 over what 80% and 3x3 over the rest.


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




  2. I always said that. Unusable speeds is the same as no coverage imo. There is no excuse for them not having interband CA by now.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yep. I see TMobile doing CA across all bands. Seeing 2 or 25 and 66 with 3x41 for, 25+66+41+41+41 would be awesome a new phone will be required for that n for current their is other combos 

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk






  3. I do question why they even bothered deploying a 3x3 LTE carrier. It's won't work most of the time and when it does work it'll be too slow to be useful so why even bother deploying it? 
    To help with coverage. It will add 17 Mbps if they aggregated it with B25. But yeah B71 10x10 is better, wonder if TMO will ever do 15x15 in your area since they bought 20x20

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  4. TBH at this point, I am sick and tired of Sprint's worthless 3x3 band 26. I want the 10x10 band 71 T-Mobile has. I don't care anymore. I'm going mad!

    I'm your area since Sprint is all 5x5,5x5 and 3x3 I would just switch carriers. I can stay for sure everyone else has higher bandwidth TMobile 10x10 B71. Vzw has 10x10 B13,att 10x10 B14 and likely B12 also. Plus those companies mid band BW. Way more than what Sprint has.. There isn't any excuse or reason why B25 isn't 10x10 and 25+25+26 are aggregated by now 

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk






  5. No 10x10. There are 2 5x5 carriers.
    Sprints Albuquerque spectrum holdings are very limited.
    They have PCS Block B 30mhz, D 10mhz, and G 10 mhz. In addition, they have about 90 mhz of B41 (I finally found third carrier downtown) and 14 mhz of 800.
    They have two 1900 1x carriers, two 1900 CDMA Rev A. carriers. I don't think this is necessary as band 26 is pretty wide spread through the city. If they could trim those down and add a b25 carrier, that would be fantastic.
    That's enough to allow for 10x10 or even 15x15. Could use D block for CDMA then B on LTE

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  6. Question for you all. It would appear that a new B41 small cell has appeared in downtown DTW right in front of the RenCen. It is on Cellmapper with the EARFCN of 40270, PCI of 466 and band 41 RSRP of -58dBm. You can see something that looks like it might be a small cell but it's not up on a pole, it's just on the side of a box but there is conduit laying on the ground next to it. https://www.google.com/maps/@42.3300147,-83.0409325,3a,18.7y,328.84h,87.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sjf7wH1t39cFa2MR41W2Tiw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
    I don't see the small cell?

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  7. What is the likelihood of current handsets and modems gaining the support to aggregate bands 2/66/71/12/5 with band 41?
    Since band 25 is capable it seems possible on the network side of course.
    Unfortunately I am unable to find an example of these combinations and what kind of process it would take to make this happen for users.
    Since 26+41 is already they could do MFBI and broadcast that B5 as 26 and do 26+41

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  8. Why would anyone want to buy the Note 10 on Sprint with the shitty support they gave the Note 9 and S9?

    Sent from my SM-G977P using Tapatalk

    Unlike the S9 and note 9 S10 and note 10 do have VOLTE support.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  9. You'd figure that the New T-Mobile has already planned on making use of 1900 PCS from day one, and made available to both customers rather quickly. As T-Mobile has a denser network than Sprint, I cannot imagine b26 being missed at all. 
    Would've been nice to keep and combine with 700mhz exclusively for VoLTE, but with their amount of 600mhz, its a moot point. 
    VOLTE works on an bands. 2/25,12,71,66/4,41,26

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  10. Here in Louisville Sprint has PCS B block (15x15MHz), T-Mobile has E, F, and C3 which combined is also 15x15 MHz. Together it will be 30x30 contiguous plus G block on top of that. Plus T-Mobile has H and I blocks AWS 3 for a 10x10 channel, and dish has G block. If they share and combine together they could have a 15x15 AWS 3 carrier. Plus 10x10 AWS 1, 5x5 B12, and whatever 600 T-mobile has here. T-mobile has much better density here than Sprint, if they can get everything deployed on all sites rapidly they could blow away Verizon (90MHz with everything deployed here) and compete well against AT&T. 

    15x15 for 600 mhz. Does Sprint currently have 10x10 there then? 23d855175c39578f002f0960ed1433a8.jpg 

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk






  11. So in my travels I've been gathering data. I have my iPhone on Verizon and my iPad on Sprint. I haven't collected enough data to post a full report yet but this is what I've got so far out of 26 tests:
    Sprint Average Download: 32.22Mbps
    Verizon Average Download: 49.59Mbps
    Sprint Average Upload: 4.21Mbps
    Verizon Average Upload: 15.55Mbps
    There have been areas where Verizon kicked butt. There were other areas where Sprint took the win. There were actually a couple of places in central Wisconsin where I had no service with Verizon and had US Cellular roaming with Sprint. Once I get more locations in this report then I'll probably post it. I really want to compare them in San Diego. 
    Edit: Should add locations tested so far.
    Grand Forks, ND
    Minneapolis Airport
    Central Wisconsin
    Appleton, WI
    Detroit Airport
    Atlanta Airport
    Savannah Airport
    Beaufort, SC
    You actually found spots with No VZW coverage?

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  12. Great article!!!   It says everything including the migration plans!   This is very great news for all of us!!   I am very excited to have this all cleared up.  Hopefully the court case is short and sweet. .. and get thrown out! 
    There are good amount of markets with the C block that Sprint has and some where TMO has. Some people think that TMO will not do C+G cause then you lose B2 in those areas and will require B25 but think they will tho. Omaha Nebraska is one for example TMO holds the 15x15 Block so G block gives them 20x20. However there B2 will still be there as Sprint B block can do both B25 and 2.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  13. My gut says higher prices.  But it all will come down to DISH.  If DISH sweeps in and buys a lot of Sprint network assets and well funds this and executes well, we could end up with a more solid 4th competitor than Sprint in 5-6 years.  But that's a TALL order.
    Yeah but wouldn't Sprint have had to raise prices if the were on their own?

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  14. IF T-Mobile ever allows Sprint Phones to roam on it.  I did not see it in two weeks of traveling through both cities and rural areas with poor coverage.  Maybe somebody else did??   I did roam on T-mobile quite often, but only on Band 2 or Band 4/66
    I have only roamed on B2/66. Never 12 or 71. Under the merger they changes as Sprint customers become TMobile customers

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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