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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Please what? The point has been sprint problem in the market place. Several irrelevant excuse have been given and I explained why I believe them to be irrelevant. If grow tired of the discussion don't participate or read it.


    Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

    At the end of the day Sprint's service is still overall better than Tmobiles (one source is Root metrics) and not that far from ATT.


    Yes in your area Sprint might be the weakest link but for a lot of us our service works well for us.


    We all can agree Sprint still has room for improvement but we need to remember, everything is a process.


    Good news is, sprints only direction is up :)

    • Like 5
  2. Great for your area. Problem is most areas that isn't the case. Sprint has a very inconsistent network. Seriously, if you where recommending sprint to someone who traveled for work what would be there selling point ( in my case anyone living in phoenix? )? Outside of them being cheap I can't think of one.


    Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

    Well I use to sell sprint up until April of this year and most of my clients who traveled didn't really have issues with their Sprint service. They were still able to make calls, send and receive emails, and stream their music and Netflix without any issues or hiccups (now during NV days it was a different story) the biggest complaint I heard was the lack of voice + data capability with their newer handsets (band 41 phones).


    A lot of those customers came from the other 3 and even told me they were hesitant about switching to Sprint but they were actually pleased with the service.

    • Like 2
  3. Well doesn't Verizon provide their own backhaul? Plus they acquired smaller wireless company's too which gave them an advantage.


    And If it wasn't for the failed merger between ATT and the merger with Metro PCS, T-Mobile wouldn't be what it is today.


    My coverage in my area is solid with Sprint. I'm mostly on LTE (95%) of the time. My only complaint with sprint is lack of VoLTE lol.

    And the information I provided to him was relevant to his argument. He asked a question and I answered it lol

    • Like 1
  4. For the customer point of view all of that is irrelevant. In the in sprint needs to find it's place in a competitive market. That is either the cheapest provider out there or the fastest network.


    Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

    Ok so from my point of view, I can only speak about my area. In my area Sprint is definitely fast, I can easily get 50-70mbps during rush hour, or 120mbps either early morning or night.


    My friend who has T-Mobile has pretty much the same coverage as me, so if I'm in an area that doesn't have service, then he doesn't have service.


    If I travel north, Verizon only has LTE towers (no voice) and their LTE service in that area isn't the best. Sprint is actually superior in that specific area.



    also I'm pretty sure Sprint is the cheapest lol

    • Like 1
  5. Thank you! That is the best way to say it. We all know about how spectrum rich they are. They just can't get enough done quickly to talk about it. That article whether true or not piss** all over VZW accomplishments it literally was like that was 2 years ago this is all we have done and by the way we are flicking the switch for this.


    What I just can't understand is HOW DOES TMO/VZW get stuff deployed so fast and it takes forever for sprint???? Do the companies say f sprint we are doing there's first???

    I have heard over and over $$$$$ but did these companies not have a writen contract??? Sprint has spent billions?? Billions on upgrading the last 5-6 years and that's not enough for a swift roll out like the other guys???

    Well doesn't Verizon provide their own backhaul? Plus they acquired smaller wireless company's too which gave them an advantage.


    And If it wasn't for the failed merger between ATT and the merger with Metro PCS, T-Mobile wouldn't be what it is today.


    My coverage in my area is solid with Sprint. I'm mostly on LTE (95%) of the time. My only complaint with sprint is lack of VoLTE lol.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 cities testing




    300 plus live cities current.



    Granted no devices till later in the month. I also Assume tomorrow's iPhone announcements may add to that.


    Not bashing any carrier btw. Just impressed and showing lack of faith in Sprint.





    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That's just what sprint announced. Many areas already have the 3rd Carrier turned on but sprint has not announced them yet.


    I expect a bigger announcement either this week or next.

  7. That's... a really good idea. I will do that. It certainly can't hurt.


    To your later comment about reporting issues, I've reported issues I've come across from time to time. Unless it's something like "data doesn't work on this site" (I've done that report on my home tower at least twice) there's really no way to know if anyone's seen it or is doing anything. Given the lack of permits, I doubt the latter, even if the former is true.


    - Trip

    Trip I'm having some issues in Montgomery County MD too, hopefully Brian H. Can make the DC metro area better

    • Like 1
  8. I'm in Roanoke va and I hVe been calling into sprint support and they age been great about calling me back with updates. I been having some issues with called not being able to complete slow data no data, I mean just about every problem and it happens to everyone that has sprint in the entire county. I was told that 8 towers near me are having work done plus the closest needed additional backhaul. I think we're going back to Verizon after the iPhone 7 release. And i really wish that wasn't the case bc I had several friends switch from them and AT&T to sprint and its been awfulness especially in the last month.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I don't blame you. Shentel will do a great job with that market but it will take time. I would probably say it will be good by end of next year.

  9. Looks like Sprint powered on a few more small cells between 74th st and 59th st on 5th Ave. Great considering that area didn't have good B41 coverage.


    Also held onto small cells from 74th st to 30th, then handed off to Macro b41.


    Awesome so far, can't wait to see these things live in the outer boroughs.


    Also as added bonus connected to 2nd carrier B25 in Manhattan for a few seconds before being handed off to B41.

    With the second band 25 carrier....can they just make it a one 10x10 carrier

  10. With the spotting of small cells in NYC, Band 26 popping up in Las Vegas, B25 2nd Carrier being spotted in many markets, and many areas that were languishing now seeing microwave installations/any movement at all, it seems like Sprint is ramping up the pace of upgrades again which is good to see.

    Yup and 3xCA is coming live soon!!

    • Like 1
  11. Hmm... If it means more revenue for Sprint in the long run, maybe, but how a purchase would affect Sprint's finances in the short term when they really need to spend money on the network with NGN, I don't know.


    I thought Dish was going to go after T-Mobile at one point, but then they lost a bunch of the spectrum they auctioned for and nowadays I rarely hear Dish get mentioned with wireless. Whatever spectrum Dish has currently I think might get sold to Verizon and possibly Verizon may change its mind about buying Dish now that it has Aol and Yahoo. Verizon would have a great content source between them and Dish, and it would provide Verizon with extra spectrum they need, according to what I read recently of Verizon having the lowest spectrum per subscriber.


    Plus, it would be fitting between Verizon together with Dish competing against AT&T together with DirecTv.

    Yeah I haven't from Dish in awhile. I honestly forgot about them until now lol.


    Isn't their 700mhz spectrum TD LTE compatible?



    • Like 1
  12. Why the switch if you don't mind me asking?



    Sent from my iPhone 6s+ using Tapatalk

    With my new job, I'm always on calls on the go and having the ability to do voice and data at the same time is a need for me. I honestly don't want to switch but Sprint hasn't announced any plans for VoLTE.


    I'm assuming it will be available once markets are dense but we don't know how long that will be

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