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Posts posted by JWMaloney

  1. I am having a very strange issue ever since switching my Pixel 2 to a TNX SIM in October. I will have a perfectly fine LTE signal on the native T-Mobile network, and then suddenly, without warning, I will lose all signal for a few seconds. Any active call or data session will be lost. After a few seconds, my device will acquire a T-Mobile WCDMA or HSPA signal. Eventually it will jump back to LTE.

    Monitoring with Network Signal Guru, one of two things happens:

    1. T-Mobile native network will instruct my device to complete an intra-LTE handoff to the Sprint native network. My device will complete the handoff successfully, and it lands on PLMN 312-250. Attachment and SIM validation occur successfully. Then a hard drop occurs.
    2. T-Mobile native network will send an rrcConnectionRelease without a destination. Hard drop occurs.

    It happens regardless of me being stationary or moving. It happens in multiple cities hundreds of miles apart. It happens on all Sprint bands.

    The only way I have been able to work around it is to completely lock out bands 25, 26, and 41 in Network Signal Guru.

    Has anyone else ever seen anything like this? I have been going back and forth with the network team for weeks with absolutely zero luck. "There were an elevated number of calls on that tower that day." "You need to upgrade to a 5G phone." "Everything is working normally."

    I've even tried just driving in circles between towers and letting dozens of calls drop just to try to get their attention. No such luck. They say everything is working fine.

    Also, incidentally I've seen PLMN 312-250 on Sprint sites that are physically located on the same towers as existing T-Mobile sites. Very odd behavior all around.

    I just don't get it. On the old Sprint SIM I was already spending 90% of my time connected to T-Mobile, and my device would move back and forth between the two without issues. But with the TNX SIM I get this mess.

    I also tried putting a regular T-Mobile SIM (not tied to a Sprint account) into my device and I couldn't reproduce the issue. It's specific to the TNX setup.

    Do I have any options other than just keeping the Sprint bands locked out until August 2022? I'd really like to have them, because I'm seeing a ton of areas where I get zero service on the TNX SIM without them.

  2. Billing question for you.

    I have three lines on Framily. Two of the lines have the unlimited data add-on; the third line has the base 1 GB allotment. However, when viewing usage on the My Sprint website, all 3 lines show usage out of Unlimited.

    Has anyone else seen this? Was there any announcement about converting limited data plans to unlimited? Nothing has changed on the bill.

    I'm curious if I could just drop the $15 unlimited data add-on from the other 2 lines but actually still keep unlimited. 

  3. On 5/29/2020 at 12:19 AM, ingenium said:

    Pixel 2 can do NSG, but Pixels require a licensed/pay copy of NSG to band lock.

    You can email the developers and ask for an enthusiast's license. Usually good for 6 months at a time.

  4. On 8/21/2019 at 5:02 PM, cyclone said:

    Could it be that a simple dyslexic switch of the value 490 with 940 has resulted in a dead tower?

    Could be. There is a site in Louisiana where, after RRUS 11 -> 31 swap, they set the B25 eNodeB ID as 0x4BB68. You know, 310120...

    It's still that way today, years later. But in that case, the site actually still works, so nobody ever noticed.

  5. 4 hours ago, mikejeep said:

    I managed to get my old HTC EVO LTE test device to duplicate the multiple instances bug. I can't figure out why it's not impacting my Pixel 3, but I guess that doesn't matter. I think I see what is causing the issue.. can anyone confirm that this behavior started with version 4.49 (released October 2018)? Or did it not appear until the most recent release from last month, 4.51?


    Fairly sure the old version had the issue too. Can you send me a copy to confirm?

  6. On 1/6/2019 at 7:38 AM, mikejeep said:

    Huh.. very strange -- I'm not able to reproduce this on my Pixel 3. One other person reported it to me a few months ago (I don't think it was you) but I was not able to reproduce that on my original Pixel. Do you have a custom launcher, memory management app, or anything else installed that you can think of that might play a role?



    Just Magisk/Xposed. I don't suppose it could be something with GravityBox? Pretty sure it happens even with that disabled, but I will confirm.

    To re-produceable, make sure you're switching away from SignalCheck WITHOUT using the back button (e.g. with the home button, and then using the NOTIFICATION to switch back.

    Sent two diagnostic reports just in case there's anything in there that might help. One is after following the above steps several times to trigger the bug (but BEFORE trying to exit), and the other is immediately after the first exit attempt (when the app just opens again instead).

    • Thanks 1
  7. Mike, I'm on Pixel 2 (not XL) running Android 8.1 and there's a really annoying, consistently re-produceable bug with multitasking. Apologies if it's already reported, but I'm pretty sure it's been in multiple releases.

    If you use the BACK button to back out of the app, and then switch back to it again later, you can exit the app normally. If you use the HOME or app switcher buttons instead, it's like the app creates a new activity view and pushes it onto the history stack. It's cumulative too, so sometimes you have to end up pressing BACK or menu -> Exit multiple times to back out of all the views before the app will finally close.

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  8. 6 hours ago, mikejeep said:

    Ahh I see.. are you on the latest beta release, or the public one? (This is the beta thread.) I do not believe the beta will show 311490 any more. I'm trying to finish squashing a couple significant bugs so I can get a public update out with this improvement very soon.

    Public channel. You're saying under the latest beta, if I'm a Sprint user, and I roam onto T-Mobile which presents itself as 311490 on the tower, and I already have a note saved for the same GCI under T-Mobile 310260, I'll be able to see that note?

  9. 1 hour ago, mikejeep said:

    Not sure what you're asking.. could you clarify? Any saved notes should appear regardless if you're roaming or not. If you are referring to neighbor cells, there's already an option to ignore the PLMN for neighbor notes.


    T-Mobile uses Clearwire 311490 as a secondary PLMN on their sites to enable Sprint roaming. I'm asking if you can make notes from 310260 show up for 311490, similar to what you are doing with 310120 and 312530.



  10. 12 hours ago, chamb said:

    Great Find concerning the Shentel LTE Plus Coverage. The jwMaloney maps even show the difference between inside and outside LTE Plus coverage.  You now have one vote for making the jwmaloney maps the official Sprint Maps.

    The B-41 coverage shown on the Maloney maps appears to be fairly accurate too. 

    How can the Sprint managers see these jwmaloney maps and then look at the official Sprint maps and feel good about their products they place out for public consumption?

    At least they're finally using Google Maps officially now. No excuse for not making that change years ago.

    • Like 1
  11. With the amount of mini macros that were ordered, that's enough to replace remaining Clear sites, fill in current coverage, and have some left over for a bit of native expansion.

    Keep in mind these are being used on existing, non-Clear macro sites, and you need at least one per sector. The Downtown Shreveport site, for example, uses 5 in total.

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  12. The most annoying (amusing?) part of all this is that I have to walk down the street to talk to them, so I can leave the Airave online for testing but still communicate. I think it's all a conspiracy to get me to pay for a landline..

    When I still had an Airave, I would use Google Voice integration over Wi-Fi to call support. Think I was using PBXes.org as an SIP gateway at that time, but Hangouts Dialer works today.

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  13. Thanks for hunting that down, it is disappointing but definitely enough early evidence to hesitate. But based on all my notes, 07 and 08 have not been previously seen in ALU/Ericsson markets.. can anyone else confirm that? If so, I could have those flagged as oDAS since it shouldn't pop up otherwise. Or I could just add them to the B25^2 list to keep things consistent.

    The multi-tenant ODAS at LSU Tiger Stadium uses hex 01-0F inclusive for band 25 nodes and hex 19-27 inclusive for band 26 nodes.



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  14. Aren't these talks with Charter and Comcast just about deploying Strand Mount Small Cells?  This would be a fantastic way to densify Sprint's network.  The NIMBY's won't even notice these since they are so used to the existing equipment hanging on the lines.

    Not sure why everyone else thinks it's anything more than that. T-Mobile has already been doing the same in some areas.

    • Like 1
  15. I wonder what ever happened to that site downtown that gave him fits and they never upgraded.


    Shortly before he ported out, he made enough noise with corporate that they actually sent out some engineers to look at it. After 15 straight months of 3G data being useless, the cause was finally determined to be bad equipment/cabling. They corrected that issue, but then they needed to relocate the equipment due to building construction; so soon after, they did a full rip/replace on the site and installed LEGACY EQUIPMENT (including BTS and antennas) that they must have decommissioned from another site. It sat that way for about a year (with the BTS literally sitting on the sidewalk outside of the building -- see the New Orleans market thread for photos) until they finally came and installed NV equipment on the rooftop. It got 800 + 1900 3G and 1900 4G (no 800 4G) and was immediately swamped by usage. AT&T serves the same area of that one Sprint site with 4-5 macro sites (plus an indoor DAS) and an average of 6 LTE carriers (100+ MHz spectrum) online per site.

    • Like 2
  16. Sprint says my Nexus 5x is carrier-locked (despite me being able to use it freely on AT&T/T-Mobile/Ringplus)...Anyone know how I can bypass the level 1 care and get a ClickIT ticket submitted?  I'm trying to take advantage of the free year plan so I can monitor upgrades in my area on Sprint.

    FYI you don't actually need an active line of service to do this.

  17. Nice to see Sprint's progress in specific markets. Especially NOLA, which has been historically "challenged" for Sprint.


    I wonder if @digiblur would be able to confirm whether Sprint's speeds actually improved around him or not.  I recall him leaving a few years ago because they weren't rolling out LTE in the areas around him.


    EDIT: He's in New Orleans.

    He's in Baton Rouge, which is part of the New Orleans market. The New Orleans metro area has never been a "challenged" area for Sprint -- it was one of their strongest markets (and had their highest market share percentage nationally) for years. Baton Rouge (and most of greater Louisiana), however, were former affiliate markets which were basically left to rot until enough subscribers ported out to normalize usage with deployment.


    The problem in Baton Rouge wasn't speeds, it was coverage. AT&T literally has 2-3 macro sites for almost every Sprint site in the area, whereas you still in 2017 can't drive across the city without ending up on 3G. They added a total of TWO (EDIT: THREE) new macro sites during Network Vision, and cancelled about two dozen planned builds. That, of course, didn't stop Marcelo a while back from posting a 200+ Mbps speed test earlier this year performed about a block away from one of the handful of macro sites that got 8T8R equipment.

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  18. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this about Sprint suing the FCC. Not a good decision if it expects to get a merger deal approved :



    They're suing because they've been investing heavily in growing their MPLS business and in getting their SD-WAN services launched, both of which depend heavily on competitive services offered through the regulations that were just rolled back. It's a major loss for them.

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