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Posts posted by blizz127

  1. Glad its not only me I think they are working in the area or something... I work at that Starbucks right across from there haha!


    Also does anyone know what app to use on and iPhone? I have then Sensorly and everything but I want more. Anyone have any ideas? 


    Dude it's so funny you say th as t because I was at peets right across from Starbucks lol.  Maybe they are I dunno. Driving me insane though lol.  Not sure about anything g besides sensorly and opensignal.not sure if opensignal is on iphone though.

  2. Anything going on around the Avon, Avon Lake area? It took awhile to make a call today and not seeing any 3g on my phone now... I used to before now its 1x.


    Had the same issue today, I was in the Avon Commons could barely use data or what not and had 1x several times. Isn't just you.


    Sadly i can't deal with this so i'm taking my phone back and closing service until 4g is stable around this area.  3g is just so bogged its not even worth it:(.

  3. Ha, lots of questions! 


    The LG G2 is available for pre-order right now. The other are expect to be available in the next week or two. The Nexus 5 as early as tomorrow or Thursday. 


    Sprint fully own's Clear now, so Clear's TD-LTE network is technically Sprint, but Clear is still managing the TD-LTE rollout until next Sprint. 


    All new Sprint LTE devices from here on out will be Tri-Band devices, which will utilize 800MHz LTE (SMR), 1900MHz LTE (PCS) and 25/2600MHz LTE (TD-LTE). So yes, you can use the TD-LTE network and Sprint's network at the same time. 


    Clear's WiMax maps are a pretty good approximation of what the TD-LTE network will look like soon.


    And yeah, unfortunately, the Note 3 is not a Tri-Band device. 


    Thanks so much! I'll look into the nexus 5 then, i' dbe happy as long as i can get some type of 4g speed because the 3g is terrible.  Not sure about just unlocking an LG G2 though couldn't find a straight answer.

  4. If data is really important right now, Sprint may not fit your needs. However, if you are willing to switch up to a LG G2, Nexus 5, Galaxy Mega, HTC ONE max, or wait for the re-freshed version of the GS4 (tri-band devices) I would do so. LTE on 25/2600Mhz, also called TD-LTE, is already live in more places than Sprint's PCS LTE network. Clear's TD-LTE is also capable of faster speeds than Sprint's current LTE network. These devices would give you access to that LTE network, as well as Sprint's current network.


    That is a great idea, the triband phones i could still have sprint service but run off clear's TD-LTE Data? I don't see those phones available but i do see the LG G2 for verizon, could i use an unlocked version of that with sprint? Oh and a coverage map for the LTE network, there is pretty good wimax coverage around me but i'm following the map on clear's site and I am not sure if that is what i should be following.  I just saw the Note 3 isn't triband.

  5. Sprint is really pushing site installs right now, however it will be a few more weeks at least before we start to see LTE activations ramp up. You are only a few months away from a very nice LTE network. If you can hold out that long, I think you will be happy. If not, no one will blame you for going back to T-Mobile for a time. But in less than 6 months, Sprint will have a much better network than T-Mobile.


    Oh, also, Welcome to S4GRU!




    Why, thanks! :D.  Yea i'm deciding, t-mo outside the area i'm in really doesn't have much LTE but it is nice LTE network, i generally tether when i'm out so that is a big thing.  But I will be giving this a shot for a week or so I think, I really did a large amount of reading in response to this and I really like teh community sprint has behind it (this one for sure).  it's great.  I might be able to hold out, there are a few LTE towers coming up around my area but data is just a huge point for me more than anything else. 

  6. I'm hoping for something around the westlake area, nothing in avon to the west side of cleveland (a bit past lakewood) only 3g and its terrible.  I'm debating keeping my sprint or going back to t-mobile, I hadn't realized that 4g was non existent currently, especially in the areas I am lol.

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