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Posts posted by travismheim



    A testdrive program like TMO's - but longer - would be a good boost to sprint's fortunes.


    The non tech crowd believe sprint sucks so no way will they transfer their number to test sprint but a "burner" phobe num with zero cost?

    Why not?

    That could almost be sprint's slogan.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You can already test with a burner phone number, if you like the service you can have your old number ported over your new line. A better trial without costs/fees, or a $700 hold on your credit card like T-Mobile does would be nice.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  2. That is very true but 800 MHz LTE deployment in the western part of the US has become slow to a crawl. Hopefully this picks up in the latter half of 2015. Looking at the maps, the east coast for 800 MHz LTE looks pretty good so far but boy is there still a ton of work that needs to be done on that front. Eventually Sprint will need to deploy 800 MHz in Canada and Mexico IBEZ areas once they are given the OK to do.

    If there are no more delays, 600mhz should be usable around 2020. If Sprint can't finish their 800 deployment by then barring some random ibez issues they deserve to fail and having participated in the auction likely won't have made a difference at that point.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  3. If Sprint doesn't participate in the 600 MHz auction....I'll say they are toast. They need low band spectrum so badly its not even funny. I am sorry but Sprint's urban coverage is no where near as dense as Tmobile's urban coverage and there many places where there is still gaping holes of poor coverage for voice and data which can be relieved by low band spectrum.




    No way Sprint gets that. All the carriers will be lucky if they can get 84 MHz total cleared for bidding. Sprint needs at least a 10x10 out of the auction but hell why not go for 15x15 if available.

    It can also be relieved by finishing deployment of the low band spectrum they already have and densifying the network, both of which they are actively working on. Both which will likely be finished before 600mhz can even be used.


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

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  4. He already knows there's gonna be a reserved block.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Yes, but how much? How will the stations be dealt with that get moved into the wireless band? I think that's more what he was getting at. They need the low band spectrum, but also need to get a return on their investment.


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

  5. A bluff has to be believable and have negative consequences.

    Sprint needs more lowband and not participating will not cause the auction to fail.


    It's funny cause in the recent CCA roundtable, he calls out ATT, VZW for their "we won't invest in our networks"-BS by pointing out that no one makes as high a margin as they do.

    Yet, he then goes on to spew his own "we may not participate, have to wait for the rules"-BS. GAG!!

    He knows Sprint will participate, everyone else knows this so . . . . wth?

    I think he was spot on in saying they may be priced out of the auction depending how the rules end up.


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk



    This is what I do. I find it to be more reliable that Sprint's voice network.


    Two main downsides of google voice:

    no call waiting

    no 3-way calling


    Overall, it has been a great solution for me. I couldn't be happier.

    I used to do the same thing. It works very well, but in my area LTE coverage outside the city is nonexistent for the most part.




    For me, the big downside of GV is no HD Voice.

    The lack of HD voice is disappointing for me being integrated, but the advantages far outweigh that IMO. Hopefully Google will be able to support HD voice at some point.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  7. Do you have an active data session going?  If so, I have found that iphone/andriod will  not reconnect to LTE until that data session expires. I don't know if it is related to eCFSB or how the LTE scan timer is designed.


    In addition, I have seen that the HTC M8 LTE scan timer is really long. Much longer than I have noted on other phones.

    Your phone would have to scan LTE, which unless I'm mistaken would require dropping the evdo connection (on single radio path handsets) to do which is why it won't go back to LTE during an active data session.

  8. Well, I lose LTE for the 10 second ride in the elevator, so 3G isn't going to save me. But then I wouldn't be stuck on EVDO or 1x four minutes after getting off the elevator.

    You could put your phone in LTE only mode, you would lose SMS and calls though. You can sort of work around that by using google voice integration and the hangouts dialer for data calls only but I wouldn't recommend it.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



    Do you think it's time for a device like M9 to have an option where I can disable 2G and 3G data? When I'm at home or commuting, it's rare that I leave LTE area, but when my phone drops off LTE, it takes a while for it to come back. Voice, of course, would remain on 3G. Is this something ROOTed phones already allow?

    Do you mean disable evdo? I'm not sure why you would want to do that, you won't get back on LTE any faster. Besides, you would still have "3G" data from 1x when you lose LTE.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  10. Surprised you didn't get Hspa at least



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    When I tried T-Mobile a few weeks ago, I would usually go from LTE to GSM or no service. I rarely ever saw hspa. LTE was pretty fast, but if I lost it data was unusable.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  11. Did he have Apple Care Plus ? If he has Apple Care Plus then that explains it but if he didn't then POP Hold it down for Apple lol.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    No apple care. The screen was also cracked from when we tried bending it back. He only had it a little while before it happened. I fully expected them to tell him too bad, but they replaced it.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  12. Will keep that in mind. I think before I waste a drive going in ill check with someone online or over the phone and see what they think is doable.

    When he had his replaced, he walked in without an appointment and they replaced it no questions asked. Its one of the reasons I'm really considering switching to an iPhone, Apple's customer service seems top notch.


    Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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  13. Regular. Always in a case. Hardly ever out of it for any extended amount of time. Always in my front pocket and never dropped or abused.


    Read on the apple forums Apple is NOT replacing any bent phones. I already thought about it cuz even though it's slight I don't need it to get worse and not work on me for some random reason.



    I thought this was only happening to the idiots who tried to bend their phones or those who sat on em with it in their back pockets. I take pretty good care of my phone and didn't expect this to happen at all.

    I wish Apple would go back to the gold from the 5s. I would but one with it being that color gold. The new color is too light except for on your phone. [emoji12]

    My friends iPhone 6 was bent very early on and apple replaced it for him, its worth a shot. He also kept his in his front pocket. It was around when all that news about bending was coming out.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  14. Before I bought my evo LTE I had wanted to try windows phone but sprint didn't really carry any. Now it would be harder to switch since I am entrenched in the google ecosystem but I would still be willing to try it out.


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

  15. I did play with LTE band priorities but it's not that because I've had no problems since I did. Im pretty much definite it was TWRP app SD card writable patch that's doing it to me. Right when it reboots the Sim card doesn't read. So I just wipe and unroot put sprint Sim back in and everything is back to normal. Don't know why I was even playing with the patch because it's for external SD card which we don't have. Hopefully you get yours worked out.

    If you're referring to TWRP Manager, that patch applies to phones without an external SD card as well.


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

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  16. When my sister takes a call on her m7, it sounds garbled and like static. If she switches it to speaker, it works like normal and the call is clear. Anyone have anything like this happen?


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  17. Yeah, I've had that happen. It seems to only occur with people that have GV integrated - certainly I've only had it occur with other sprint customers.


    MMS to other carriers seems to work fine. Quite annoying that the one part that should work, doesn't.

    Neither my sister or friend on Sprint is integrated, just me. First time I saw this was Saturday, I wonder if 5.1 broke something.


    Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

  18. If I try to send MMS via google voice to my sisters sprint phone I get a SMS reply about incorrect country code and the message never sends. If I change it to send via carrier number it will go through just fine. I can send MMS via google voice to my friends at&t phone and it will go through, also works sending to a Verizon number. I called customer care and they had no idea and suggested I contact Google. Has any of you ever had this happen?uploadfromtaptalk1426701004703.png


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  19. Good point.

    Guess I should have posted my prior test from the exact same spot on 03/12, before I updated to 5.1:


    Mav. :ninja:


    Sent from my Sprint Nexus 6.

    It could also be the network wasn't as utilized, or there happened to be less interference or many other things. The best way to tell is look at the signal you're receiving. 5.1 had some changes to the signal bars as well, it shows more bars for the same signal. Anything better than -100 rsrp on LTE is showing full signal on my nexus 5.

  20. Not only CL accounts that are credit union accounts qualify. There are many programs available, I am currently helping my employees and contractors get service. see contractors.4gantennashop.com

    I read through that a little while ago. Did you set up your own MVNO or something?

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