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Posts posted by JJegers

  1. The tower in Muskego (College/Tess Corners) is being upgraded and I had posted some pictures of the new antennae laying on the ground.  Since I'm kind of new to the antennae spotting world, would someone be able to tell me what the various antennae on the tower are and who might own them.  It appears that 1 of the new antennae is visible on the bottom rung of the tower. Please explain, so that I may learn what I'm looking at.


    BTW: Does this site (or any other) have more information about not only where towers are, but who has antennae on them, and what types?





  2. I went past the Muskego tower (College/Tess Corners) and like others have said it appears that they are putting up new antennae.  I took some pictures of the units.  I'm guessing these are the 4G units? (Antennae and RRU's ?)


    What was interesting is that I was mapping the area with Sensorly and to the NE of the tower all I could get was 1xRTT signal.  I even tried to reset my phone by putting it into airplane mode, but I couldn't get any EVDO.  But once I got to the west side of the tower I got full 3G (EVDO) signal.  Maybe it is just that I have Cricket..or maybe they just had some of the antennae disabled.


    On the S4GRU maps it lists this tower as a Sprint tower, but when I was there I saw a sign on one of the buildings saying it was AT&T. Does this mean that this is a co-located tower, with both companies?  If so, can both companies offer 4G service from the tower?  Do they have to do that with different frequencies then?  





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