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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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  • Phones/Devices
    Galaxy S7
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  • Location
    Pasco, WA
  • Here for...
    4G Information
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  • Favorite Quotation
    "Trust, but verify" - Ronald Reagan

MrJessicaAlba's Achievements

Member Level: Analog

Member Level: Analog (3/12)



  1. @czabe Is the progress bar on the battery indicating done? It might be done & you stayed up late for nothing.

  2. RT @KamiakinBraves: Congrats to freshman Sarah Hamilton, Saturday at Bob Mars she scored Kamiakin's first ever victory for girl's wrestling…

  3. Washington still has public safety sites that have not been rebanded. FCC allowed Washington state recently to take to the end of 2016 to reband the final two locations (burried in snow country). Then the way will be clear for 800 lte. Frustrating to be the last of the last, without 800 a person simply cannot count on lte in any location, it could drop at any time. This is why, without densifucation, as washington has not had, sprint is a bottom tier carrier. If I'm talking to someone at work and we want to access data via mobile, it sucks to look at a loading screen while they pull the data. No movement on clear sites being converted, (definitely not here in SE WA, I will wager every one is shuttered & not converted), no movement on 800 lte, and no densification... just a long term punch in the gut. But I long ago decided to stick it out because of when we used to get NV updates and being told of the lte schedule (which turned into vapor).
  4. New update out... security patch.
  5. my s7 is up and running, and FAST
  6. Couple days ago,email came 3/1 @6:58pm with shipping confirmation and tracking. Took a day or do for ups to have it in their system, so I thought it was just an email with no intent to ship before next week... but I'll find out when I get home from work, or later tonight. UPS guy comes through my neighborhood at 4 or later.
  7. 2/26 thru telesales... website wouldn't let me click to order. S7, not an Edge. To my house. Gold. VR headset hasn't shipped yet.
  8. My tracking says on the truck for delivery. Be here today.
  9. Casey needs to work on swing speed http://t.co/6Ykx0QOMep

  10. I premeired a couple days ago, does that count?
  11. I just did this. I was walking by the truck with mine in my cargo shorts, which banged into the door... right on the corner of the screen in the perfect spot to spider crack the whole upper left. Yes, I had my case on. I watched various youtube videos that showed the repair, I watched them repeatedly to ensure I was wholly capable of the repair. I ordered a replacement screen/lcd of the ebay (my lcd was working, but I knew the process of removing the broken screen would likely destroy the lcd, and boy was I right). I ordered a three dollar new adhesive for the re-sealing process. My boy and I took our time to ensure nothing got further screwed up. The process took a couple of very anal retentive and overly careful hours, you could do it under an hour if you weren't as ocd as me. Careful with that heat gun, apply heat slowly and don't overheat. The lcd/screen cost about 150 to 165... but those mall places will charge you upwards of 300 for this phone and they WILL NOT be careful to avoid giving you bonus dings and scratches. The repair is not guaranteed to be water-resistant, but I very confident my repair is every bit as good as the factory job, and will be just as water resistant. PM me if you want me to link the videos I thought were most helpful, good luck!
  12. This is news... Kennewick Building permit number BLD-2014-01050 (I saved an image of it but couldn't figure out how to attach it here) states that the rooftop facility at 6 W 6th will receive a 2.5 ghz equipment array. Applied for on 04/14/14 and to be finished by 10/11/2014. Someone who knows may be able to say whether 800mhz LTE usually comes with an 2.5 install...??? Also, while looking through permitting, I found some Clearwire sites that are in waaaaay more optimal locations around here. Can I get some speculation on whether those sites will be transitioned to full build Sprint towers on Clearwire shutdown?
  13. I think we are just waiting on backhaul. Towers are all set to go.The speed of the LTE part of the rollout has been hideous, though. Without leaking secrets, I keep a close eye on the progress meters across the country, our local backhaul installation is some of the slowest around. The locations aren't hard, they are urban, the vendor just refuses to go do the work with ant initiative. I am so frustrated. I know what the new network means, but we are just sitting here with patchwork. We have new stuff using legacy backhaul, which isn't any real advantage over the tower upgrades never having been done. We are at six months since the first LTE showed up here (in Tri-Cities, Spokane and even Yakima have fared better)and we've had one or two additional towers to that LTE locally, that is in a redundant area to the prior LTE coverage. Additionally, again without revealing secrets, a tower that services Pasco (and is mapped as such on sprints coverage page) is overly optimistic by light years in lte coverage and rarely connects even from North pasco. There is also a site I drive by every day that sits with a ground mount option for no apparent reason, I don't think it'll get lte and, even though I'm close I rarely connect to it. If you look on sprints tower upgrade map, not S4GRU's, again revealing no secrets, this is a tower that sits in the heart of pasco and should service most of pasco and north Kennewick. So I think we are stuck for a very long time waiting for backhaul for most of the tricities & waiting for sprint to get around to actually rebuilding the gmo site. Then again, if 800lte comes along, since I've got my S5 now, I will be golden. That is, of course, if the device ever kicks over to that band... I know 800 voice is here, and even with zero bars locally I still rarely kick over to 800 voice. But when I do, it's like I have a real, honest to goodness, cell provider.
  14. RT @PingTour: In honor of Bubba's 69 on #MastersSunday, retweet & follow @PingTour for a chance to win 1 of 69 gloves #FeeltheGlove http://…

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