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Posts posted by JossMan

  1. 1 hour ago, Tengen31 said:

    How fast?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    Average around 12-16Mbps during the day 25+Mbps after 10pm or so.  Site is only 4x B25 5x5MHz CA isnt configured yet on my site and 5x5MHz B26.  Speeds are more consistent and stay on B25 90% of the time indoors.

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  2. 55 minutes ago, Tengen31 said:

    Nice. It's on active on the network tho?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    I'm in a Ericsson market where they have been deploying additional antennas for B25 4x MIMO, my closest tower has seen this low key upgrade.  I've noticed a more stable signal on B25 as well as more consistent speeds.

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  3. On 1/26/2018 at 4:03 PM, mikejeep said:

    A beta update was just released! Android 8.0 (Oreo) users, I need a hand: please check and make sure CDMA BSL display is working properly for you. Force your device onto 3G if necessary. If it doesn't work (You'll see "Click for map" forever), please let me know what device and what Android version you are running. If you are running anything pre-Oreo or 8.1, you shouldn't be impacted.


     Beta crew member checking in, BSL is now working!  Galaxy S8 8.0 


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  4. 21 minutes ago, mikejeep said:


    @swintec and @JossMan can you confirm that the BSL stopped working once you moved to Android 8.0?

    If anyone else is experiencing issues with the BSL display, please let me know; include your device and OS details. I am thinking I could just limit my workaround to Google devices, but I want to confirm no others are impacted.


    Yea Mike once I updated to Oreo (8.0) on my S8 the issue started. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, mikejeep said:


    There's only one option (enabled by default); if you had it disabled, you wouldn't see the line at all.

    I got your report and immediately see the issue.. the latitude and longitude are flipped. It's trying to geocode coordinates in Antarctica, not Maine. A bug caused this to happen on Android 8.0, so SignalCheck flips them back.

    EDIT: Actually, something more widespread is going on.. @JossMan I just got your report, and your lat/long is flipped too. The "fix" must have rolled out in an interim 8.0 update for some devices. It wasn't fixed on the Pixel until 8.1 so that's what the app looks for.. ugh..


    So is this just a fix to SCP Pro? 

  6. 5 hours ago, mikejeep said:


    Until now I do not think I had any reports of this not working. You do need an active data connection (it looks up the address using an unknown Google server) but otherwise it should just work. Can you try sending a diagnostic report after you are connected to a CDMA site for a bit? Maybe there's an error getting thrown in the background.


    Will do I'll send a few reports from various sites.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 19 hours ago, RedSpark said:

    With Tax Reform, AT&T Plans to Increase U.S. Capital Spending $1 Billion and Provide $1,000 Special Bonus to more than 200,000 U.S. Employees


    Would love to see Sprint announce something similar.

    But I thought people were gonna die from the Tax Bill, reeeeeeeeeeee! :rofl:

    In all seriousness its about damn time the corporate tax rate gets lowered, we are competitive again!  Hope to see Sprint use the extra money it saves from lower corporate taxes and puts it towards network investments. 

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  8. Talks are still going on, that press release shows that SoftBank is willing to walk away from this deal unless more favorable conditions are met.  Personally I am hoping SoftBank walks away from this merger by the end of the week.  I rather see Sprint go at it alone and Son just pump money into the network and show that Sprint is a serious player to Verizon. 

    Keep the network plans that were released months back which included adding thousands of macro/mini macro cell sites, overlay the entire network with 2.5GHz, add massive MIMO, continue to refarm legacy 1900 3G to LTE and have this network humming by Q2 2018.   

    EDIT:  As of 10 minutes ago MarketWatch is reporting that merger talks are officially off, if so couldn't be more happier.  


    • Like 3
  9. 5 hours ago, dro1984 said:

    You're right.   Sorry.  No offense intended.   Sprint is a healthy and viable company with enormous growth potential.   with all the promised advances and everything we've been told, it will probably do very well.   

    Positive growth, check.  Large amounts of LTE spectrum, check.  Adding customers, check.  Competitive, check.  Yea it is doing well and has enormous growth potential without T-Mobile.  

    Reading some of your previous posts about Sprint makes me think your just here to troll.      

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  10. 1 hour ago, blakebaa said:

    I have the priorities switched, and tried disabling band 25 and 26 and nothing happened. It stayed on B25. I'm not too sure what's going on.

    Once you disable an LTE band 25 or 26 or both you must restart your S8 for the settings to take effect.  Just remember to re-enable and restart again to enable LTE Bands 25 and 26.

  11. 2 hours ago, Terrell352 said:

    You must have the magic S8 because the S7 holds band 41 much better than the S8 in all of my testing.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    My S8 holds B41 much longer than her S7, I've seen the RSRP as high as -135dBm on my S8 and still have a usable data connection.  If my phone isn't on B41 its stays on B25, I hardly see B26 unless I go down in my basement.  

  12. On 10/17/2017 at 7:56 AM, clbowens said:

    So overall, how is everybody liking the GS8?  I'm thinking about getting one in the next month or 2.

    I love my S8, I haven't had any issues as some users have stated on here.  To me HPUE seems to be doing what it was advertised to do, especially when I compare it to my wife's S7 I get B41 in areas that her phone will drop to B25.  I really enjoy HDR on the phone as well it will melt your eyes.:)   

  13. 12 minutes ago, utiz4321 said:

    No. You are not based in reality if you think the wireless market is going to stagnate if Sprint and T-Mobile merge. 5g is coming and will be pushed by everyone in the market place. 


    The question is weather you want it to follow the same pattern LTE did or not. Would you like the big two to deploy a really solid 5g network and the other two to deploy an uneven networks or 3 solid th networks? 


    You anti-merger people dont understand the role capital intensive industries play in shaping such markets.  If a market is capital intensive it is more efficient with fewer players. Imgaine if the market still looked like it did in 2003, we would have plenty of players and regional plans with not even 3g deployed.


    Sprint has 30 billion. They are able to increase CAPEX this year because they don't have much maturing this year.  This is not the case the next two years which means they are likely to starve their network again over that time. Mean while the big two aren't going to stand still. Sprint isn't growing top line income fast enough to make themselves viable on their own.  



    How is Canada's three wireless companies working out...

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