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Everything posted by dkyeager

  1. 2500 feet can make a huge difference in that mountainous area.
  2. As long as a phone is not locked to a carrier you should be good. Do it before August.
  3. The email you received match ads I have seen on TV. One customer with the latest iPhone told me his phone had a message on it to get improved service basically matching the S20 offer. He declined since no n71 has been found in our market and no n41 on T-Mobile sites has been spotted. I have personally been told there are n41 sites in Ohio in a few out of the way places with no hints given. None spotted so far, and almost no new T-Mobile permits. West of Rochester NY into Ohio would benefit from band 71 as Sprint is limited to 1x800 due to Toronto having priority.
  4. I have hear rumors of iPhone users being offered to have improved phone service, which means changing from Sprint to T-Mobile. Great if T-Mobile is better at your key places, else no so good. See Samsung Galaxy S20 thread or merger thread to see why. iPhone would not be as easy to correct. Basically best done once they have actually converted T-Mobile sites by adding n41, which you will have to wait for at least the next version of iPhone.
  5. Good observation. Seems a bit windy given the curve in the climbing rope. Most tower hands will talk with you if you tell them your a hobbyist and like tracking signals. Mention S4gru.com if they seem skeptical. Typically they don't want their pictures taken but don't mind you taking pictures of equipment. Stay out of the drop zone. Bring a hard hat if you have one, but don't wear it initially. Just ask them whose rack they are working on, etc. Installing is often done by a different crew then demolition. Limited work is still occurring on Sprint equipment to keep up their network. Expect mostly additions to T-Mobile, especially Band 71. What kind of phone do you have and what did the email say?
  6. I have been in remote places where band order determined real order, but never in urban areas.
  7. I would think Sprint network employees would be most vulnerable when the Sprint network is eliminated. Up to that point they need to keep both networks operational. I have heard reports of some work still being done on Sprint sites since April 1 just to retain Sprint customers (like maintenance or increasing backhaul to make a site function). In some markets the T-Mobile network staff has a lot of former pre-merger Sprint network employees. Your post is on the publicly visible side of S4gru.com, which could threaten your or other posters if employed now by T-Mobile. You might want to donate do you could post inside the paywall. Most people are on this site for technical information so there might be better forums.
  8. Don't forget that more band 41 is supposed to be auctioned off soon, which will mainly be in rural areas. No date has been set. Hopefully the FCC gets moving in case the administration changes with possiblely more delays.
  9. Yes, this could be fodder for a Verizon ad, assuming their 5g indicator works any better. Given AT&T just displays 5ge or whatever.
  10. Sprint had lots of small cities with 20+20 and 15 remaining. These sites could easily handle more spectrum.
  11. They will have to compete for rural band 41 spectrum in an upcoming auction. AT&T and Verizon will likely try to buy key pieces to breakup bandwidth like was done in San Francisco.
  12. The S20 guys here have rev ATD6 versus your ATD1. n bands show for them. Although yours does have May 1 security patch. Could be unlocked versus Sprint, else regional equipment perhaps? The other question is whether T-Mobile will force firmware updates. Sprint typically did not.
  13. I would retest the band selector app if you are using it. Carriers tend not to like things that disrupt their plans for total world domination. Only compliant sheep tend to be "rewarded".
  14. Many firms will go from loving remote work, to regulating it, then to the moving the jobs overseas. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/04/30/work-from-home-surveillance/
  15. I was surprised that they were not forced to sell some spectrum in some counties. I also expected rules on migrating Sprint customers in terms of phone replacements and coverage. Basically T-Mobile can do as it wishes in these areas and customers must accept or leave as individual customers. Rules only applied to more macro levels.
  16. This is an issue of us being stuck in the WiMAX like world of non stand-alone 5g and low n71 site density, which is fueled by a desire to cover maximum territory to encourage 5g phone sales. Standalone 5g will give up much better uploads. My guess is 1 out of every 10 to 15 sites has band 71 in Columbus OH. All spectrum is also not being used. Considering leased and Covid-19 loaned spectrum, we have 35x35 in Columbus. Based on what is seen elsewhere I expect 15x15 n71 and 20x20 b71 almost as soon as possible as it relates to TV stations. Band 71 is also a result of marketing focus. Give more people a reason to get a 5g phone by having much of the country covered. In rural areas it should make a difference given already lower site density. Was also used ( unfairly) to justify moving many Sprint S207sers to T-Mobile. Fortunately many of the mistakes can be self corrected with the Samsung Band Selector app. The main winner with 5g is the carriers as it may double capacity.
  17. My understanding is Sprint Business was viewed as a very good fit for T-Mobile, therefore given their style, it does not surprise me at all that they are moving quickly on this. So long as the coverage map they use reflects old T-Mobile, no issues here. Wonder how they are handling the existing Sprint customers?
  18. Should the S20 Nextel merger like trend continue, AT&T will likely be my next carrier.
  19. I think the planning left a lot to be desired. Training staff typically comes last. The band selector app seems to be working quite well in Ohio for the few I checked with. ( Many use it). A Samsung Sprint market might be a factor.
  20. I would take a different approach that will help you possibly until your market sites are converted: https://www.reddit.com/r/galaxynote10/comments/ga2a1l/app_samsung_band_selection_app/ Available in play store. Select only Sprint bands and you will be connected to the Airave. Toggle roaming might be needed. Alternatively get a cellspot or signalbooster from T-Mobile (or from your "Sprint" store after August 2). It would not surprise me that over time T-Mobile will move bandwidth from Sprint sites to T-Mobile sites even in areas where no Sprint cell sites are converted. Aka following the Nextel merger playbook. You might be better with a different carrier altogether; although after the Sprint sites are offered to Dish, I would expect some greater rural density simply because T-Mobile will have more rural customers to justify their expense. Band 71/ n71 could also move closer to you. It might only be on 5% of sites in my area for example. Look at cellmapper.net for details. Add data yourself through the cellmapper app. Basically do whatever works for you, but be prepared to have to make changes. Let us know if you still see roaming on AT&T or Verizon on this S20 and if CDMA still works on your S20. Good luck!
  21. Personally would like to see the Sprint sites converted first to T-Mobile before move Sprint customers over. Market by market was mentioned in the public plans. I became concerned to that the new T-Mobile was starting down the Nextel merger path after watching yesterday's Sprint S20s conversion to T-Mobile after saying it was to give n71 access, then seeing that they assumed all Sprint users would get better signal from T-Mobile, forgetting that many are self-selected to be near Sprint only sites or have working Magic Boxes. Fortunately this app was able to save them:
  22. I have stood about 8 feet from guys installing 600, 700 1900 and AWS panels with a new cabinet and they still would not admit it would do n71. Will fill-in a nice hole in 600 5g map when done and activated.
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