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Everything posted by anthony.spina97

  1. So, not sure if it has been asked or has been said, but do we know who else owns 800 MHz spectrum nationwide in the US, and if Sprint could possibly purchase some of that spectrum?
  2. http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/11/25/why-sprints-terrible-service-doesnt-matter.aspx Found an article while looking at Sprint's stock quote on CNN. The article actually doesn't completely bash Sprint, and they recognize the potential that Sprint has to be the best network in the US in the next few years. Pretty interesting read (even though its not like all of us on this site didn't already know about everything that is written in the article).
  3. I have actually read about this before. If it was an iPhone 5, it is because it is made out of aluminum and glass, not steel and glass like the iPhone 4/4S were. The aluminum is a lot easier to bend, especially with how thin the device is. I'm hoping it doesn't happen to mine, but if it does, at least I get a new iPhone out of my AppleCare+ subscription!
  4. I check the site when I get into 2nd period of my school day, when I get home from school, when I'm bored, and when I need something to do that makes me look like I'm busy on my phone.
  5. I agree, but still, if that is on B25, that is pretty impressive as I don't think Sprint has anywhere near as much spectrum for LTE in B25 than AT&T has for LTE.
  6. Well that sounds a lot better than what I was getting in downtown about 2 months ago when I was at Ruth Chris. Glad to hear things are getting better down there!
  7. I recently ran a Speedtest from my home which is about 2 miles from my nearest tower (The tower being the one by Lowe's, I mean Charlotte Motor Speedway, and my home being in Rocky River Crossing) while on 3G, and I got a 88 MS Ping, which I have to say is the fastest 3G ping I have ever gotten and that I have ever seen! That even beats some of my LTE ping times when I do happen to clamp onto a -113 LTE signal. Download speeds were still around .3 down and up, but hey, that's what you get when you live that far away from the tower. Maybe they will make the Clearwire/T-Mobile tower that is on the corner of 49 and Morehead into a NV tower. Here's to hoping!
  8. Dang! It went right around you! Hope everyone is doing okay out there!
  9. I wonder if we're gonna get a nice little Christmas present from our friends at Sprint...
  10. I would like to know that too, it would be interesting to see what they will promise.
  11. My diagnosis is it's an overloaded tower. Your download speeds are so low because people tend to download a lot more than they upload, so that is why your upload speed is so much greater.
  12. The same OnStar that doesn't work in my 2002 Trailblazer because it has an analog system in it
  13. I've got a quick question. With the single band phones that have SVLTE, we know that the "signal bars" aren't an actual representation of LTE signal strength when on LTE, because it is actually the strength of the voice/sms signal (correct me if I'm wrong). My question is, do the new tri-band devices that don't have SVLTE on them show actual LTE signal strength, when connected to LTE, since they are either on CDMA or LTE (not CDMA for voice and LTE for data since they use CSFB)? (Sorry if this isn't the right place for this, I don't really see it as a question that a whole thread should be started over) Thanks for the help!
  14. Does the the iPhone 5 (and the 5S too I assume) use CSFB? You sure as heck can't do SVLTE on them, but they don't seem to have the same problem as the Triband smartphones.
  15. I wouldn't say it would make things confusing for them, considering they have always had PCS spectrum, but it was always used for 2G/3G. So adding that extra LTE band of PCS probably doesn't affect them very much.
  16. Could it have something to do with the kind of backhaul that T-Mobile uses?
  17. So... Do we think that this may be a Spark tower?.... Haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I drive a 2002 Chevrolet Trailblazer LT, one of the greatest car's I have ever driven (considering I have only driven 3 cars). My Dad drives a 2006 Chevrolet Corvette and my mom drives her 2013 Chevrolet Volt. I'll tell ya, for an electric car, that thing is amazing. Dream car is probably an SS trailblazer (Don't judge me)
  19. I am assuming that 87 million POPs are covered with HD voice service, even though not all of them are using HD voice capable devices.
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