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Everything posted by kg4icg

  1. I guess you don't need to ask the UK why MacBook prices are 200 plus more then everyone else being charged, and Apple care being 199 for iPhone X, raised from 129, which was raised from 99. And don't go looking for band 71 on the new phones, it isn't there. Everything on the fcc certification site came out today.
  2. Apple has been raising pries for the last couple of years, did you believe otherwise? Also bumped up AppleCare for the iPhone X to $199. Kind of laughing at the flub on the live stream where face ID didn't work right.
  3. Now I know why the mobile looks so good on my phone, didn' know until now.
  4. I wonder how many cell towers and installations are going to need to be repairdd or replace after the storms? Sent from my 2PYB2 using Tapatalk
  5. I was giving this a read about the Sprint and NFV. http://newsroom.sprint.com/the-sprint-nfv-journey.htm Sent from my 2PYB2 using Tapatalk
  6. Unfortunately you are not going to get data from the 2nd Sim, dual Sim phones don't work like that, I don't know why people keep thinking they do. Primary Sim phone and data, secondary Sim phone only. Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  7. Latest JDPower for Sprint https://www.phonearena.com/news/Sprint-continues-to-surge-carrier-finishes-second-to-Verizon-in-J.D.-Power-survey_id97387 Sent from my 2PYB2 using Tapatalk
  8. Well you got your cookie, now eat it. Of course now Google needs to pay license fees to Nabisco for using the trademarked name Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  9. Looks like fierce wireless has a article up on the magic box. http://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/sprint-credits-magic-box-for-improving-network-performance Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  10. Interesting read http://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/sprint-credits-magic-box-for-improving-network-performance?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal&mrkid=958371&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWW1OaU1HWXhPVGRtTVRrdyIsInQiOiIyVkJnZXN0REZWc2tUUGczYkVMM3FTeVBVUEJDVXZjdit1bEFyZTdob3NFampOU1dTQ2FadUw1azJrSFFyZFdNaHdsZkNKdWNnVWlFZzhxOG1MWVpWWHdtUnYwZU95VzV2a3hWTmtMY2tBR0VKazhMclZrUWM5R05cL3Q2R1VueVgifQ%3D%3D Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  11. A short snippet https://www.thestreet.com/story/14250392/1/sprint-surges-after-it-returns-to-profit-in-first-quarter.html?puc=stocktwits&cm_ven=STOCKTWITS&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=stocktwits Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  12. Premarket opening definitely higher then yesterday's close Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  13. 2 different screenshots, one of the Speedtest after the test, and another after imgur post, and it isn't hard to get a 10ms ping on Sprint. Look at the speedtest, not the orange border.,.
  14. Guess you didn't read where it says T-Mobile is hit and miss with the app. Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  15. Update on both the HTC One A9 and the Bolt, and all is working fine. Both have Nougat. Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  16. T-Mobile can't afford Dish, where you get TMobile buying out a satellite broadcast company? Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  17. I don't think that is Sprint's Virgin Mobile, that is Branson himself unit. Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  18. Which started at 824 mhz up to 849 mhz plus the 45 mhz split which then make it 869 to 894 mhz which was partitioned between at&t and Verizon, sprint getting 860mhz to 868 mhz after re-banding, public safety use to be 851 to 869 mhz with nextel propped in there. Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  19. Actually, Verizon has 800 mhz, not 850 for which is public safety, with the 45mhz split for input channels, sprint has 860 mhz with the 45 mhz down split, and don't forget that at&t is also in that frequency range to. For which it isn't that much from 806mhz to 896mhz. Public safety is also in the 700 mhz band to, 770 to 780 mhz with a minus 45 mhz split. So all bandwidth some of you people coming up with just isn't there in that frequency range Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  20. A interesting article to read, to consider. http://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/a-t-mobile-sprint-merger-would-be-operationally-daunting-moody-s?utm_medium=nl&utm_source=internal&mrkid=958371&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWldaa016UTVNVFJtTjJRMCIsInQiOiJNTW1hMUZLa3hacEZoUTlcL00zdG1BUUozUlRkNlNvRVBzVDBtVklUeUVpVDFTRHJQelI1MEx3WTdxZGhDdlNIc0gxM29cL3Q3R2pXNDJKUW83Q0NYR05WY0V3dEZ6MGRNU1lPOFhHd0VDcDNOZm5uSGxoT01KcXBERjFSN2p0UThtIn0%3D Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  21. Depending on your device, it's not going to give you the HTC email app. Can't get it for my One A9 or the Bolt Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
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