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Posts posted by hankbear

  1. Mods are found in the feature.xml (located in "/system/csc/feature.xml") and are just a matter of enabling them.


    Here is a flashable zip I made on XDA for all the features.

    Download Zip HERE



    Most of the posted features I just listed can go as is on a stock (odexed) system. The multiwindow mod has to be a deodexed system.


    I found that post, but thanks for the additional information and confirmation of the type of ROM!


    Edit: And, it worked great. Thanks!!

    • Like 1
  2. Why to root in general...


    1. Back up app data. Like your hard earned score on Angry Birds.

    2. Theming

    3. Back up SMS Messages


    Why to root the Note 2...


    4. Have the ability to turn on and off the Camera Shutter Sound.

    5. Add Call Recording Feature

    6. Add like 20 other features, example: Call Log timer, Messaging settings (Signatures, themes, reminders, and more), Take a picture while in a call, play music while taking a picture, Reject Option in contacts. All simple settings you can easily change that really should be on by default.

    7. Because all the other kids are doing it!

    8. Multiwindow Mod (Allows you to open any app with the Multiwindow feature.)


    I know I can Google this (and will), but did you have to put on a custom ROM to get the Reject option in Contacts? Or, is it just a setting or a flashable Zip that can but applied to an otherwise stock phone?



  3. Rooted, SuperSU.


    I have to root right away for Titanium Backup. Otherwise, I lose all the progress in all my games. :(


    I almost never tether. Didn't with the EVO 4G LTE, and haven't, so far, with the Note 2. Only when desperate; it's probably been at least a year since I did. But, these days, I can do so much with just my phone that there's almost never a reason to.

  4. The Galaxy Note 2 has no backlight. AMOLED screens -- for better and for worse -- are self illuminating. They employ additive, rather than subtractive color.




    That's what I get for being sloppy! Since it's so often referred to as a "backlight," I went ahead and used that word. Please just replace "backlight" with "brightness" in my post when reading it!


    I am glad, though, that I'm not likely to keep any phone long enough that I'll have to worry about the AMOLED getting burn-in or other problems.

  5. I love it! It definitely has much better reception in general than the EVO LTE. I can actually, some of the time ('cause it is weak), get 4G LTE at work!! And, it turns out there is LTE all over Atlanta. I get it almost everywhere, while I practically *never* saw it with the EVO. And, with no multitasking issue, plenty of memory, plenty of storage (I got a 64GB SDXC card, too), and an amazingly fast processor, I couldn't be happier. My only improvement would be the screen. While the automatic backlight is much, much better, I do think the EVo's screen is amazing: much better in direct sunlight. However, if the Note 2's screen were a higher resolution (like 1080p), I would not care about direct sunlight. Still, it is a very crisp, clear screen and I'm not finding it to be a disappointment after a few days' use.

    • Like 3
  6. I can help here. The rule is based on the word's sound, not spelling, so "an LTE" is correct. Consider the opposite case, such as the word "unique". "A unique" is correct because it begins with the consonant Y sound.


    If you don't know how to pronounce the word, you're hosed.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    This. I've always done it this way, and I tend to be a stickler for correctness in the written word. I've certainly never heard of anyone being corrected and told this way was wrong, either. And, since I would never say it the other way, I always have relied on choosing the article based on the most common pronunciation.

  7. For me, and this was true of WiMax, too, it's just the improved responsiveness. It's like being at home on a WiFi network, instead of limping along at 3G speeds. Granted, 3G will be better, once all the towers are upgraded, but it still isn't/won't be fast enough to compare to the 25Mbps of my home cable connection. I very nearly use my phone exclusively, so having the same experience away from home means I end up having a more consistently enjoyable time using it. I play games and keep up with friends far more than I ever actually talk on it! So, it's much more important for me to have fast, reliable data, these days. There are times I miss WiMax, but then I end up somewhere that LTE is up and running, and the increased speed is very noticeable and renews my hope to have it everywhere (particularly my office), soon.

  8. I do think the review is extremely biased, but most are. It's hard to have an Android user review an Apple device and not bash it, just as it's hard to have an Apple user review an Apple device and not overlook any flaws.


    What got me most about that review, as I posted elsewhere, was the flat statement of fact that CDMA can't do simultaneous voice and data. Of course, most Engadget readers are not likely to know any better, whereas, since I do, it makes me question the entire review more. Given that is a significant difference in carriers for past devices, it's interesting to perpetuate that fact when you are blaming it on the carriers and not the hardware manufacturer for a brand new device.

  9. Glad to hear you're a happy camper..and as it is with flashing a new ROM I hear a official update is available today from HTC ..


    Of course!! And, it has Sense 4.1. LOL! It never stops, does it? At least, now that I am rooted, I can back up my apps and data with Titanium Backup and, once a rooted version of the OTA is available, I can try it out.


    Of course, the Viper4G ROM will probably get Sense 4.1 very quickly, too.

  10. Do a Google search for Regawmod its a one click solution. Read the instructions carefully though and understand you are voiding your warranty.


    I just did this and loaded the Viper4G ROM. I hated having to do a factory reset, but the multitasking issues and other glitches were driving me nuts. The built-in customizability is incredible, and the battery life is really good. I haven't had a Sense reload, so far, and it's very, very smooth, performance-wise.


    Right now, though, if you have HBOOT 1.15 (which came with 1.22), HTCDev.com is the only way to root the phone, unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  11. Still no hint of LTE in cumming. I have yet to see a 4g connection even for 1 second on my EVO LTE.


    A couple weeks ago all the towers near my home appeared to be down, I was roaming for 3-4 days straight. I hoped that meant when the towers came back on that I would have LTE...but no luck. Towers are back, and I still havent seen an LTE connection.


    My wife works in norcross and reports the same thing this week. She has been roaming while at work..normally she has decent signal.


    So it appears there is work going on up here, but who knows when or if we will actually get LTE.


    I work in Norcross, too, and had a great WiMax signal at my desk. Unfortunately, I don't see Norcross on the schedule to get any tower upgrades to LTE that are close by enough to affect me. Actually, in looking over the maps, there seems to be a large hole right over my office. It's definitely frustrating that Sprint's coverage maps are completely wrong for this area.

    • Like 1
  12. Question for both of you. By chance, are both of you connected to wifi often and if so how often? Does it happen while you are on a phone call or just using the phone in any other way? I asked because my girlfriends evo has been randomly rebooting since the last OTA as well and the only common factor I can come up with while trouble shooting is being connected to wifi/bluetooth when it happens. Anyway, I had her turn off wifi all together and for the last two days she hasn't had any reboots at all which is the longest she has gone so far without it rebooting on its own since the OTA. Might be a long shot but I thought I would ask.


    I believe mine has done it on both bluetooth and wifi. I know it's done it a few times in the car, once as I was leaving home, so both bluetooth and wifi were connected at that time. I can't actually recall any random reboots before the OTA, though.

    • Like 1
  13. I will try to reroot the phone and see put titanium backup back on it and see what I can do. The problem is that these reboots didn't happen until the update was applied.


    I'm getting some random reboots, too. I've been sending the data to HTC, as the phone requests to do, afterward.

  14. That depends on which map you are looking at. There are some maps for each market showing all the towers that will be converted during the life of the project, which is essentially every Sprint tower. There is a separate map, updated periodically, showing "completed" towers. Not all completed towers everywhere are live to customers, but those in Atlanta presumably are because that market has been launched.


    Thanks! I'll go back and look at those maps, again. Hopefully, I am just looking at the wrong one, then.


    Edit: I was, darn it!! Well, it makes much more sense, now. There isn't a live tower anywhere near me at work in Norcross. The one in Lawrenceville is pretty far, but I'm up on a big hill, so it, naturally, is open-air line-of-sight. Well, that is still frustrating, but on a completely different level. At least I know to be patient, now, and it's not a tower problem or an unknown phone issue. And, it just shows how hopelessly inaccurate the Sprint coverage maps are!

  15. Like I have been saying religiously, my gnex holds an lte connection way better than my evo at this point in time, HOWEVER, there is no way I would swap an evo out to get a gnex, even with connection issues.


    Not to hijack this thread, but I'm curious what your reasons for preferring the Evo over the Galaxy are.


    Back to the topic at hand, though, I'm certainly OK with forcing an LTE connection. I'm just frustrated that a supposedly updated tower isn't letting me connect. Am I reading the maps wrong? I was under the impression that the subsciber-only maps showed live towers. Do they also show ones that are scheduled to be upgraded, but have not yet been? If so, how can I tell which are upgraded and which are not?

  16. I've pretty much concluded that with the EVO LTE you almost have to cycle through CDMA only mode and back to CDMA/LTE mode in order to get an LTE signal. You can also go and set your device to LTE only going into the Data menu, ##DATA# in your dialer. But LTE only mode will turn off 1x and prevent you from getting texts and phone calls. But you could do it temporarily to determine that there is actually LTE signals and that your phone is not defective.




    Unfortunately, I've tried that, along with everything else I can think of (airplane mode, toggling data, update profile, updating the PRL - which did get me a 4G signal temporarily in a lot of other places), other than setting LTE-only mode, which I'll definitely do. The thing is, I'm not even seeing 4G appear for the instant it does in other areas where 3G is much stronger and causes the 4G to shut off. I'd bet a lot of money these towers are not live. :unsure:


    Edit: And the LTE-only setting doesn't help, either. With three towers so close by, they can't be upgraded. Plus, my 3G is just as abysmal as it was last week. Oh, well, it can only get better!!

  17. I sat in a restaurant for lunch where I could see the top the the upgraded tower sticking up over the shopping center, and still couldn't get a 4G signal, even for an instant. These towers in Norcross must not truly be active with LTE. :(


    In Lilburn, I am able to pick up LTE for a brief instant, but, I guess, it's the same issue as everyone else where the 3G signal is, technically, stronger, even though not faster. Perhps I'm way off base, but it seems like this is something that should have been able to be tested before rollout. Maybe not, though, and the real world is the only way they could have known that only in the pockets of bad 3G coverage would LTE work. However, I've been hearing that the Atlanta market is suffering from this issue more than others. If that's true, I'm really curious as to why?

  18. Sorry you are unable to connect but glad it is not just me.

    I too work in Norcross and am posting this from my desk.

    I also have not connected to 4G at all to this point. Just a solid 3 bars of 3G.

    Will keep monitoring.


    Mav. :cool:


    I am also glad to know it's not just me. I had really strong WiMax 4G, and have missed it very much, as my 3G is abysmal, here. I was so hoping for LTE, today, but it's bound to get better. I am surprised, with all the live towers showing right around me, here at work, that I'm not getting LTE here, but I was able to pick it up in Lawrenceville from much further away from the upgraded towers the map shows. Perhaps these are not actually online, yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it gets here soon!

  19. I have always been supportive of ISN. However, we are two separate types of sites. We are a network focused site. Inside Sprint Now is mostly made up of info that is available in the Sprint system for customer service reps. ISN posts very little network stuff. We post very little Sprint program and sales info. ISN is a blog, S4GRU offers forums and maps and PRL's, etc. in addition to our articles. We have a staff, he is a guy.


    I wish ISN all the successes possible. However, I am concerned for him. I think Sprint is on the war path, and I'm trying to fly under the radar. I have some stories myself, but I am not prepared to discuss them publicly at this time.


    If you want S4GRU to degress our features and just be a blog where I control the dialog and you guys can only comment on my posts, then you are going to be disappointed. That is contrary to the posted mission of S4GRU. Our site will continue forward based on the dynamic changes that occur, within the framing of our mission. We also appreciate the opinions put forth by our sponsor members and especially Premier sponsor members to help keep the community geared toward their interests.


    Thousands of people appreciate S4GRU and the type of community we provide. And I think the majority of users like the site and its format. We will not please everyone. I guess you are one of them.


    Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


    Well said! I certainly agree. Being careful to not do the things that can and will get you shut down and/or sued is smart and appreciated by those of us that want this site to be around for a long time to come.

    • Like 1
  20. BTW...


    iPhone - 2007


    LG Prada - 2006


    HP iPAQ H6310 - 2004 (and IIRC many of the devices in the iPAQ lineup were actually OEM'd by HTC)


    Ericsson R380 - 2000 (and many more between ... dell Axim, HP Jornada, O2's XDA (from HTC))



    I'd say Apply clearly "borrowed" technology from HTC and others for a touchscreen smart phone.


    The original iPAQ Pocket PC I bought in summer of 2000 (the H3600) was not a phone, but, to me, was the first useable, color screen, decent resolution, decent app availability device. I carried it and its successors for many, many years and even stayed with Windows Mobile when I came to Sprint to get my HTC Touch. While Pocket PC/Windows Mobile suffered greatly in comparison to iOS, they were all there was for a long, long time. Apple not only marketed well, they made a closed ecosystem that was also user-friendly. Their control of iOS is what made it easy for users to pick up because the apps all had to have a look and feel that was approved by Apple. Of course, it's all what you're used to. While I see iOS as easy to pick up and use, there are a lot fo things that frustrate me with the interface, since I'm used to the Android way of doing things.

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