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Posts posted by aride4ever

  1. There was a short code programed in to speed dial *9116179*  , the system would only interpret the 911 when it was pressed.  This was setup by a sprint employee and was supposed to access the TDD menu. It was not until I had my phone replaced under warranty that we discovered the programming error. That being said  yea I only got charged a small fee it still doesn't answer my question as to why Sprint didn't know what it was.  Benchase7  I had thought about that, I had recently added a phone to the plan and although that shouldn't have changed the plan per say it definitely could have been that premium charge.

  2. So I have a general question that perhap you have asked yourself.  Recently I was reviewing my bill and came across a $4.99 charge that had no explanation.  I called sprint and they said it was for GPS usage. This was a surprise as I get GPS etc in our family share package.  When I asked for further explanation I was told it was for premium features but couldn't tell me what premium ment.  After about 35 min of  support checking different sources no one could answer what the charge was for and removed it from the bill.  Now here's the interesting part,  the charge showed up the day after I made a 911 call. So my question is have any of you been charged a GPS usage fee when you have had to call 911?   I looked back at a bill from about a year ago and found a $7.99 charge the day after a 911 call was made.  Just in case your wondering why I have made 2x 911 calls recently  butt dialing...  :-)

  3. There has been some wacky stuff in coral springs lately. I was getting great speeds from LTE  up until approximately 3 weeks ago. Now i squeak by with 700k down but 2 to 3 mb up.  Checked with my inlaws 2 blocks away and they have the same issue. Except my wife using an older moto handset is getting great speeds.  go figure...   :dead:

  4. Monday the network around 95 and deerfield beach boulevard was down due to a tower upgrade. This caused havoc for the business park i work in. lots of people with sprint couldn't make/receive calls or txts  and the phones stayed in roaming.  They fixed it by tuesday afternoon but it was definitely  no joy.   Got home tuesday and same thing happened in coral springs.  I couldn't even roam.  4G signal went to crap afterwards and I can no longer get 4g in or around my home like before.   I will say that i posted a question on FB and the person responding was a hell of a lot more helpful than there phone support.   I was asked for cross streets etc and withing a few hours I got a response as to exactly what was going on both at home and work,  near the home they detected erratic transmitter issues and opened a ticket for it, In deerfield they detected excessive blocks ? as well as they were upgrading the tower to LTE.   Today I get to work and i actually get a decent 3g signal as well as in some spots I get 4g..  I think I will hit up sprints FB page in the future when  having issues, they seem to get things done..   :D

  5. So i have noticed something rather disappointing concerning the samsung S4 in the corals springs area. It seems that the s4 has some radio issues.  We just did an upgrade to 3 S4 and one HTC one as well as the Motorola photon. All 3 of the S4 can not connect to LTE yet the other 2 standing in the same spot can. On family outings the  Htc one and motorola preform well yet the S4's struggle to even maintain 3g. Is this something that others have noticed as well ?

  6. i'll say this, its up in most of coral springs however just recently 2 weeks ish  there have been a lot of issues with both the 3g/LTE signal and roaming.  I know its not an isolated incident.  It seems that I can stand in the same spot and in the matter of 2 minutes switch from lte to 3g to 1x  and from 5 bars to no bars.  Its constantly disrupting my calls. Sprint is sending out an airwave so my calls should be good to go. I just hope they get this signal issue resolved soon. I know they just put up a new tower and replaced some equipment on another. When it does work i'm getting some crazy fast connections,

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