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Posts posted by jackrage

  1. Pointless maps. Where in the US is Sprint LTE on at this point (JUne 5th) NOWHERE. Call Sprint and ask them for yourselves. Google search for one story about a happy Sprint LTE customer or an angry Sprint LTE customer. Look any data on upload and download speeds on Sprint LTE. Info. Does. Not. Exist, because their LTE network is non existent still.


    Very, very angry and disappointed. For my market they sure have dropped a lot of unofficial dates using terminology like "hope to hit" Some of those dates: April 22, failed. third week of June, failed (this one was a promise actually if you read the news story and the interview quotes from Sprint high ranking rep). Failed, failed, failed. First week of June promised again... It's June 5th. Now they are saying July 1st - Oct 1st somewhere in that time frame.


    Before you attack me saying "you're lucky you are getting LTE that soon". you can back off. I would have never signed the contract if I knew I would be waiting more than two weeks for LTE> I was told I wouldn't at time of contract singing. You may be one of those customers happily thinking you're getting a fantastic deal for unlimited crap speed on CDMA 3G for $79 a month. You are not. You are getting raked over the coals because their horrible CDMA 3G network is no good for streaming. Unlimited on WiMax is a decent deal, but locked on CDMA 3G on one of their newer LTE handsets it's a horrible situation to be in where each month the carrier wins in economic game and not you.


    Data caps make no difference when you can't do a god damn thing because the network is too slow. This is THEIR business strategy I guess.


    Hate Sprint.

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