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Everything posted by steveo314

  1. Hahaha are you going to go talk to em at lunch? Tell em just give ya some LTE already?
  2. 1) Depends on the person I say Jungermann 2) http://www.weldonspring.org/
  3. The only reason I'd leave Sprint is because I don't have service when I go to my dad's in north Arkansas. But I don't want my bill going up $100 and not having unlimited data.
  4. Go have lunch with them tomorrow and see what they're upto.
  5. It feels like so many are about to go live..........
  6. I don't know if it was mentioned already but there is purple over Chesterfield mall????
  7. Maybe its you messing with the map then...how was the fishing in the middle of the Mississippi.....joking....
  8. Either the site worker's are hinting about what sites are about to go live or someone is really getting us good
  9. What is taking them so long on that site. They finished the panels what like a month ago now.....
  10. I only said that because 3 or 4 of the site have panels or are in progress. It might be another month or so.....but......
  11. Hey hey hey from the looks of it Alton is about to be smothered in purple
  12. Wouldn't that be nice. I guess we better put those on LTE watch
  13. I guess everyone needs to be mapping this week except me and you
  14. I guess were are getting our hope from last week that we would get 5 or 6(or more) acceptances????
  15. I might have to check the Hwy K and Hwy N site tonight
  16. Yea have him map it. My brother-in-law mentioned LTE at his house close to El Maguey but I just figured it was Research Park(Weldon Springs)
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